
JUNE 8, 2020

7:05 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting will be conducted via zoom

Topic: Council Meeting June 8, 2020

Time: Jun 8, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 730 8420 3341

Password: 3VxzHL

Roll Call:

Mr. Michael Baloga                                              Mayor Joseph Dominick 

Mr. Joseph Scaltz                                               Attorney Laura Dennis

Mr. John Lipski           

Mr. Robert Borzell   

Mr. Russell Herron                                     

Mrs. Diane Smiles                          

Citizens: ­­­__                           Press: __

Approval of minutes:  The minutes of the May 2020 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by ________ and seconded by _______.

Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of May 2020 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.

Thank you to  Evercore for the donation for the purchase of Flags for the Borough’s Memorial Day celebration, the flags are displayed on Wyoming Avenue.


Administration:  Finance and Grants


Joseph Scaltz           John Lipski        Diane Smiles

2 Bids were received for the LSA Grant Street Improvement Project

American Asphalt – $678,924.00 Milling & Paving


Pennsy Supply-    $ 559,784.50 Milling & Paving


Motion will be needed to approve the Borough Department of Public Works to install the ADA Ramps for: East 4th between Wyoming Ave and Susquehanna Ave

                           Dennison between 8th & 9th

                           Monument between 9th & Pettebone.

Funding for the ADA ramps will be drawn from LSA Grant Street Improvement Project. Grant

A motion will be made to approve the Engagement Letter with Prociak & Associates LLC for 2019 Audit.

Report: Received notification from Luzerne County Community Program for 2021 Grant submission. Need to review and plan for submission.

Emergency Service:  Police and Fire Departments


Joseph Scaltz          John Lipski           Robert Borzell



Health and Sanitation:  Recycling and Solid Waste


Robert Borzell              John Lipski           Russell Herron

Report: The Face Period has been extended for the 2020 Trash until July 15, 2020.

Shred event is scheduled for September 5th from 4-7 at the Borough Building. This is free to all residents.



Diane Smiles             Robert Borzell            Joseph Scaltz

Motion will be made to approve pay raise for Borough Manager, Roseanne Colarusso in the amount of $1,000.00 for 2020. Raise to be retroactive from January 1st 2020.

Motion will be made to hire Mary Sabol for 10 hours a week to perform Secretary/Clerk duties at the hourly rate of $10.00.


Public Property:  Borough Building and Recreation


Diane Smiles           Russell Herron          Robert Borzell

Discussion: Plan of reopening Butler St. Park.

Motion will be made for Wyoming resident John Pokorny, he is requesting councils permission to have an exchanging of vows ceremony for his daughter and future son in law on June 27th to be performed by a Justice of the Peace under the trees at Butler Street park in the non- blocked off area. The Pokorny family will adhere to social distancing and have less than 25 people total in attendance.


  The Recreation Board held “Chalk the Walk” on May 19th.

Prizes for most creative walk were voted for by the public. Winners were announced Thursday May 21st on the Recreation FaceBook Page.

All registered contestants received a prize.

Streets and Sewers: Public Works


Russell Herron               Joseph Scaltz              Robert Borzell

Michael and Jessica Turner emailed the Borough requesting permission from Borough Council to cut the curb on their property at 1 Monument Ave to install a driveway.

Motion will be needed to approve Michael and Jessica Turners request to cut the curb on their property at 1 Monument Avenue to install a driveway.


Zoning and Planning:


John Lipski          Russell Herron          Robert Borzell

Motion will be needed to appoint members to the Zoning Planning Commission.

Report:  Additional letters of Interest have been received from residents for Borough Zoning Planning Commission.

General Discussions:

  • Facebook Page (Comments, Post)
  • Ordinance for Burning (1970)
  • General Code reached out to the Borough and would like to complete the work on the Ordinance Book. They were paid in full in 2018. We would have to pay additional cost to add new and amended ordinances/ Resolutions (Includes an ordinance book and electronic copy to be placed on the Borough’s website.)  Emailed editor to see what additional cost would be to complete.

Solicitor’s Report:

Mayor’s Report:

The Police Department responded to    ____   incidents in the month of May 2020.

 Plaintiff fact sheet has been submitted for the Opioid litigation that the Wyoming Borough is participating in.

Code enforcement has contacted multiple residents regarding grass and weed maintenance overgrowth concerns

Floor opens to the public

Received email from :              John Roberts- Wyoming Free Library

Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by   _______ and seconded by __________.

Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment for Junehave been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by  ______ and seconded by __________.


Motion made to approve the Engagement Letter with Prociak & Associates LLC for 2019 Audit.

Motion made by: ______________________

Seconded by: _________________________

Motion to approve the Department of Public Works to install the ADA Ramps for

 East 4th between Wyoming Ave and Susquehanna Ave, Dennison between 8th & 9th, Monument between 9th & Pettebone.

Funding for the ADA ramps will be drawn from LSA Grant Street Improvement Project. Grant.

Motion made by: _____________________

Seconded by: _______________________

Motion to accept bid from American Asphalt of $678,924.00 for milling & paving for LSA Grant.

Motion made by: __________________________

Seconded by: _______________________

Motion to accept bid from Pennsy Supply of $ 559,784.50 for milling & paving

 for LSA Grant.

Motion made by: ____________________________

Seconded by: ______________________________

Motion made to approve pay raise for Borough Manager, Roseanne Colarusso in the amount of $1,000.00 for 2020. Raise to be retroactive from January 1st 2020.

Motion made by: _______________________

Seconded by: _________________________

Motion made to hire Mary Sabol for 10 hours a week to perform Secretary/Clerk duties at the hourly rate of $10.00 effective immediately.

Motion made: ____________________

Seconded by: ____________________

Motion made to permit Wyoming resident John Pokorny’s daughter and future son in law on June 27th to exchange vows under the trees at Butler Street park in the non- blocked off area. The Pokorny family will adhere to social distancing and have less than 25 people total in attendance.

Motion made by: _____________________________

Seconded by: _________________________________

Motion made to approve the request from Michael and Jessica Turner to cut the curb at 1 Monument Ave to install a driveway.

Motion made by: ______________

Seconded by:     ______________

Motion made to appoint the following candidates for Borough Zoning Planning Commission.

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________
  4. _____________________
  5. _____________________

Motion made by: ______________

Seconded by: ________________

Unfinished Business: Comcast Contract Renewal (Review)

                                      Little League Lease Agreement (Review)

                                      Amendments to Dumpster & Peddlers Ordinance

                                      Review Ordinances for updates and amending.

                                      General Code to complete ordinance book with updates

Motion to adjourn:

Seconded by:


Date:   June 08, 2020