July 13,2020 Council Meeting Minutes

JULY 13, 2020
7:00 p.m.

Meeting closed to the public held live via Facebook

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Mr. Michael Baloga P Mayor Joseph Dominick P
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P Attorney Laura Dennis P
Mr. John Lipski P
Mr. Robert Borzell P
Mr. Russell Herron A
Mrs. Diane Smiles P

        Citizens:        ¬¬¬0           Press: 0

Approval of minutes: The minutes of the June 2020 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Diane Smiles and seconded by Robert Borzell.
Motion moved

Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of June 2020 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.


Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Diane Smiles

Motion made to accept and sign the agreement for Comcast Cable Contract Franchise renewal with the Wyoming Borough.

Motion made by: Diane Smiles
Seconded by: Robert Borzell
Motion moved

Motion made to sign the agreement between Wyoming Borough and Pennsy Supply, INC. in the amount of $442,184.50 for the LSA Street Improvement for Fourth St, Dennison, and Monument Ave. Project.

Motion made by: Robert Borzell
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved


The Borough received funds from the Bureau of Unclaimed Property in the amount of $573.20.

Submitted FEMA Grant Application for reimbursement of Covid-19 expenses.

Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Robert Borzell

Motion was tabled till next meeting to approve an amendment to the Ordinance prohibiting pollution occasioned by outdoor fires within the Borough of Wyoming,
Motion made by: Diane Smiles
Seconded by: Robert Borzell
Motion moved

Wyoming Borough Council and the Wyoming Borough Police Department thanked Ann and Michael Ferraro for their generous donation to the Police Department.

Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
Robert Borzell John Lipski Russell Herron

A meeting was held on July 1st with Michael Belusko from J.P. Mascaro regarding the issues the Borough residents have been having with the trash collection. He said they will address these issues and to reach out to him if we have any more problems. We received a letter from J.P. Mascaro & Sons stating that due to the Covid-19 virus they have been experiencing a lot of difficulties and are working hard to correct the problems.

The Face Period for the 2020 trash invoices ends on July 15, 2020, any payments not received by July 15th will be charged $50 late fee.

Shred event is scheduled for September 5th from 4-7. This is free to all residents.

Diane Smiles Robert Borzell Joseph Scaltz

Shawn Kidd handed in his Letter of Resignation. His last day will be July 14th.
The Wyoming Borough would like to thank Shawn Kidd for his service and wish him luck in his new endeavor.

Motion was made to advertise for a full time DPW laborer at a rate of $15.75 to $16.75 per hour depending on depending on experience.
Motion made by: Robert Borzell
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved

Report: No report

Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
Diane Smiles Russell Herron Robert Borzell

Mayor Dominick receive a request from Cross Over Basketball & Stars Got Stripes for permission to conduct a Free Friday Basketball Clinic for Local Youth at the Butler Street Park Courts.
Motion was made to approve the Cross Over Basketball & Stars Got Stripes request.
Motion made by: Robert Borzell
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved

Motion was made to approve a community yard sale and waive the $5.00 fee for the residents that participate. Date to be determined.

Motion made by: Diane Smiles
Seconded by: Robert Borzell
Motion moved


Wyoming Borough thanked Tony Stelacone for his donation to the Recreation Board of $400.00, and Brackney Leather for their donation from the mask sales of $298.00.

Streets and Sewers: Public Works
Russell Herron Joseph Scaltz Robert Borzell

Dave White requested Borough Council approval for a Handicap Parking Spot in front of his home at R-146 E. Third St.

Motion was made to approve Dave Whites request.
Motion made by: Diane Smiles
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved

Report: No report

Zoning and Planning:
John Lipski Russell Herron Robert Borzell

Report: No report

Solicitor’s Report:

Mayor’s Report:

• The Police Department responded to 146 incidents in the month of June 2020.

Floor opens to the public

Maria Parra called Borough Manager with issues on fireworks and drones in the Borough. Mayor Dominick stated he will look into it and for Maria to call 911 if needed.

Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Robert Borzell and seconded by Joseph Scaltz.
Motion moved

Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment for July have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Joseph Scaltz and seconded by John Lipski.
Motion moved

Unfinished Business:

Motion to adjourn:
Seconded by:
Time: 8:20
Date: July 13, 2020