Full-Time Police Officer – Wyoming Area Regional Police Department, Luzerne County, PA

The Wyoming Area Regional Police Department is now accepting applications for the position of Full-Time Police Officer until November 25, 2022.  While the focus is on hiring full-time officers, applications for part-time officers are also being accepted.

Join the newest Police Department in the Commonwealth and be part of the foundation of a growing organization committed to progressive, 21st century policing. Beginning operations on January 2, 2023, the Wyoming Area Regional Police Department will be focused on achieving accreditation and delivering professional, community-oriented police services to the client municipalities it serves.

The Wyoming Area Regional Police Department is the product of the long-planned merger of the Departments of the Boroughs of Exeter, Wyoming, West Wyoming, West Pittston, and the Township of Exeter.  Act 120 Certified Officers will be able to begin on the first day of operations (January 2) and qualified full-time candidates who are not certified may be hired and trained at the Police Academy while earning a salary and benefits from day one.

Considerable growth is expected in the coming years including promotional opportunities and potential for working in specialized units and task forces

Salary and Benefits Include:

  • 48,264.00 starting pay
  • Annual longevity pay increases
  • Considerable opportunities for overtime shifts to supplement base pay.
  • Excellent health care benefits including medical, prescription, and dental.
  • Paid vacation, personal, and sick leave.
  • Pension plan

Current part-time Compensation: $19.00 / hr.

Applicants must meet the minimum requirements:

  • Attained the age of 21 by first day of employment (or graduation from the Police Academy for non-Act 120 certified applicants).
  • Possess a High School Diploma or GED equivalent.
  • Be a United States Citizen
  • Possess a valid Pennsylvania or other state Driver’s License
  • Meet or exceed all physical and mental fitness standards established by the Municipal Police Officers Education and Training Commission (MPOETC)
  • Able to perform all duties and functions required of a police officer as specified by the MPOETC.

Competitive application and selection process will include:

  • Submission of an initial Cover Letter and Resume
  • Oral examination / interview before a panel
  • Extensive background examination including criminal history and social media activity
  • Medical examination and drug testing for present or recent use
  • Psychological evaluation

Interested applicants may submit a cover letter and resume to :
D. F. Pace
Electronically to: dfpace@dfpace.com
U.S. Mail to:
Wyoming Area Regional Police Department
555 Exeter Avenue, Unit 2
West Pittston, PA 18643

Questions may also be sent to the aforementioned email and standard mail addresses.

The Wyoming Area Regional Police Department provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, or any other status protected by state and federal laws for the position of Municipal Police Officer.

Posted: 10/27/22 Deadline: 11/25/22