On behalf of Mayor Dominick and Borough Council, we would like to welcome you to the Wyoming Borough website.
As you navigate throughout the site, you will find valuable information on Borough services.
We will update the site with announcements and other items you may find to be helpful.
We appreciate your input and comments about our site.
By working together, all of us can help to continue to make Wyoming Borough a great place to live, work and call our home.
Please feel free to contact us at any time with your questions, comments or concerns.

 Wyoming Borough Office Hours : Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
(Closed for Holidays)
Email: wyomingboro@msn.com 
Borough Office : 570-693-0291

Code Enforcement / Zoning

Wyoming Borough utilizes Building Inspection/Code Enforcement services from the City of Pittston.

For additional information, please call Harry Smith 570-654-0513, extension 221.

Email: hsmith@cityofpittston.org


Zoning Officer:  Alan Brezinski  570-392-9699

Email: zoning@wyomingpa.org

Sanitation Fee, Building Permit Fee, Dumpster Permit Fee, Bulk Item Sticker

2025 Annual Trash Payment Plan

Regular Rate $330.00 1/1/2025 through 3/15/2025

Senior Citizen Rate (62) $310.00 1/1/2025 through 3/14/2025

Late Fee $75.00 Payments received after 3/14/2025 $405.00

Letter to residents 

Non-payment of sanitation fee will result in a citation being filed at the District Magistrate’s office. All residence are required to pay the sanitation fee. Vacant homes are NOT exempt per Borough ordinance.

Payment of the fee provides weekly garbage removal, seasonal curbside yard waste pickup, and monthly removal of a bulk item. (Bulk Item Sticker cost $10.00)  All residential properties are required to make payment of the garbage fee.

2023 ACT 44 Disclosure Form for Entities Providing Professional Services to the Wyoming Borough's Pension System

Code of Ordinances of the Wyoming Borough

Wyoming Borough Employment Application