May 14, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Mr. Stephen Nalewajko P Attorney Shannon Crake Lapsansky P
Mr. Frank Yurek P Mayor Joseph Dominick P
Mr. Michael Baloga P
Mr. Michael Flynn P
Mrs. Diane Smiles P
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P
Citizens: 75 plus Press: Yes
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the April 2018 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Mrs. Smiles and seconded by Mr. Flynn.
Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Commissioner, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of April 2018 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.
Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz Mike Flynn Frank Yurek
Motion was made to approve The Commonwealth Fuel Card Program through COSTARS Benefits of the program for the Borough: Earn fuel volume rebates to reduce overall administrative costs. Special intro offer savings of .10 per gallon.
Motion made by Mr. Yurek and seconded by Scaltz
Motion Passed
No Reports
Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
Diane Smiles Mike Flynn Joseph Scaltz
Motion was made to proceed with sale of Police Vehicle #1, which lease has expired. Motion to receive estimates and place an add in the paper to conduct the sale.
Motion made by Mr. Flynn and seconded by Mr. Yurek
4 Yes Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Yurek, Mrs. Smiles, Mr. Flynn
2 No Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Motion Passed
No reports
Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
Frank Yurek Michael Baloga Diane Smiles
Report: The Shred document recycling event will be held on Saturday, September 29th from 11-2. Residents must show proof of residency and are allowed up to 3 bankers boxes. The Purple Paper Eaters will be conducting the shred event. Advertisement of this event will be posted on the Borough’s web site, Facebook page and flyers will be posted at local business community boards, and community section of the Citizens Voice.
Mike Flynn Diane Smiles Joseph Scaltz
A motion was made to accept the resignation of the current Borough Treasurer Marcella Starr from her duties of the Treasurer.
Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by, Mr. Yurek.
Motion passed
A motion was made to appoint the Borough Secretary, Roseanne Colarusso to perform the Borough Treasurer duties until one has been appointed.
Motion made by Mr. Flynn and seconded by Mr. Yurek
4 Yes Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Frank Yurek, Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Smiles
2 No Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Motion passed
A motion was made to approve the revised contract for Police Commissioner Michael Flanagan for the Borough Police Department.
Motion Tabled
A motion was brought to the table by Mr. Michael Baloga to suspend Borough manager Tamra Smith indefinitely.
Motion made by Mr. Baloga seconded by Mr. Scaltz.
4 No Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Yurek, Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Smiles
2 Yes Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Motion not passed
Motion brought to the table by Mr. Baloga to terminate the contract with Tamra Smith Accounting Services.
Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Scaltz
4 No Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Yurek, Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Smiles
2 Yes Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Motion not passed
Motion made by Mr. Baloga to give Police Commissioner Flanagan a 6-month notice to lay off.
Motion was dismissed no one seconded the motion.
No Reports
Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
Frank Yurek Diane Smiles Mike Flynn
A motion was made to replace the damaged basketball backboards and hoops at Bolin Park.
Motion made by Mr. Yurek and seconded by Mr. Baloga.
Motion Passed
Report: Mr. Yurek will take charge of the replacement and will work with DPW supervisor. Looking to do temporary backboards made of wood until replacement backboards are purchased and replaced.
Streets and Sewers: Public Works
Frank Yurek Joseph Scaltz Diane Smiles
A motion was made to approve curb cutting to install a driveway at 220 E. 4th Street.
Motion made by Mr. Yurek and seconded by Mrs. Smiles.
Motion Passed
A motion was made to go with new fire hydrant adapters through the West Side COG LSA grant it received. COG will pay 85% of the cost the Borough will pay remaining 15%. The Borough has 51 hydrants with a price quoted by Fire Chief Danny Zavada of $200.00 per adapter the estimated cost to the Borough would possibly be $1,530.00.
Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.
Motion Passed
Motion made by Mr. Baloga to suspend the sewer maintenance fees.
No other council seconded the motion. Motion- Declined
Report: DPW supervisor reported that the signs for Eight and Monument and First and Susquehanna have been replaced.
Jim and John completed the storm water inspector course and are both certified storm water inspectors. This will keep the Borough compliant with the new MS4 regulations. The cost of the class was paid for by WVSA.
Zoning and Planning:
Michael Baloga Frank Yurek Mike Flynn
No Report
Solicitor’s Report
Regarding Crossing Guard pay increase: Jarrett will confirm with the Wyoming Area School District at next board meeting to see if they are in agreement with the increase. Once we get an official ok we will go forward with the increase.
Motion will be passed subject pending outcome of response.
Solicitor addressed in executive meeting, personnel issues, collective bargaining and litigations.
The property at 133 W. 8th Street (Tsioles) will be looked into by solicitor to make sure the property is Free and Clear of all liens before the Borough makes a motion to accept the granted property.
Mayor’s Report
The Police Department responded to 242 incidents in the month of April 2018.
Borough is not in a good place financially and should consider cutting the Police Commissioner’s position to a part time position instead of full time. Would save the Borough money by cutting his salary in half.
Wants to re-open an investigation from 2016 on behalf of resident Mr. Sleboda and hand it over to the State Police. We are not equipped to handle this investigation at the Borough level. Mr. Sleboda’s had money stolen from his property in 2016 Borough was unable to find the responsible person.
The property granted to the Borough 133 W. 8th St. was intended to be granted to Hose Company #1 so they can get back up in running.
Point of bringing over the property to the Borough was to deed to Hose Co.#1.
Hoping the council does the right thing.
He was not aware of the lease being up on police Vehicle #1. He is in charge of the police department and he should have been notified. Make no sense to sell the newer vehicle. The Tahoe should be sold. Commissioner Flanagan stated the Tahoe is not equip to be used as a regular police vehicle only for administrative use.
Floor opens to the public
Residents who spoke: Pat Skilonger, Frank Parra, Bobby Borzell, Gail Frew, Richard Sleboda, Chuck Schell, Michael Jordan.
Pat Skilonger: Stated she has been living in the Wyoming Borough since the early 90’s and wants to know why the Council is so against the new Mayor? There is no co-operation with the Mayor and council.
Frank Para: Questions about the Wyoming Borough Website. Wants the voices to be heard. All announcements to be made. Who is now in charge of updating and entering information. Why don’t we have the Borough Ordinances listed online and monthly minutes and agendas.
Bob Borzell: Sidewalks are bad and need to be re-done. Questioned the recent Sewer fund transfer that funded the General account to pay Borough bills. The ordinance states the Sewer funds are to be solely used for sewer issues. Asked the council if they were all aware if the transferring of funds from the Sewer account.
Gail Frew: Asked council who were the signors on the Borough accounts, who authorized the transfers? Wanted to know who oversee the Borough manager, she is never at the Borough. Would like the Borough manager to be put on administrative leave. Borough should have an independent audit done and be available to the public. Lived here 45 years in the Borough and she is not happy with the sewer system. Asked if the Borough was seeking grants for the sewers. The council should be ashamed that the information the Mayor is seeking is not readily available to him and he needs to do a Right to Know request from the Borough.
Richard Sleboda: Thanked the Mayor & Mr. Baloga for assistance in the re-opening of a closed investigation from a robbery at his residence. He feels that the current Mayor is the best one the town has had. The state police will resume with the investigation. Mr. Sleboda was not happy with the way Flanagan and Bauman undertook the investigation and were unprepared to handle this case. Mr. Sleboda stated; Flanagan would site him for harassment. The case went on for over 2 years with no arrest. The case went to the magistrate level and was bound over for court, Police interfered with it stating it was different amounts. And then investigation was stopped. Hoping now that the State Police are handling things will go his way.
Chuck Schell: His son came up with sign designs for the Borough and took the time to present to council at a recent meeting. He was not happy that the council would not choose a specific design and size. They decided not to go forward with the project. The Scouts don’t want to be associated with the Borough for their lack of interest. Trust has been broken with the Borough.
Michael Jordan: Asked what has changed in the Borough that we require a full time Police Commissioner with benefits? Has the Police Commissioners met all the Borough expectations? Is the police department up to standard?
Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Flynn and seconded by Mr. Yurek.
Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mrs. Smiles and seconded by Mr. Flynn.
4- Yes Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Smiles, Mr. Scaltz
1-No Mr. Baloga
Motion Passed
Unfinished Business: None
Motion to adjourn: Mr. Smiles
Seconded by: Mr. Yurek
Time: 9:25 pm
Date: May 14, 2018