September Council Meeting Minutes




Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2018



Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call:



Mr. Stephen Nalewajko      P         Attorney Shannon Crake Lapsansky    A

Mr. Frank Yurek                  P         Mayor Joseph Dominick                       P

Mr. Michael Baloga              P         Lars Anderson (in attendance for solicitor) P

Mr. Michael Flynn                P

Mrs. Diane Smiles               P

Mr. Joseph Scaltz                P



Citizens: 24               Press: No


Approval of minutes:  The minutes of the August 2018 meeting are available for review at the borough office and the Borough’s website.  The minutes are approved on a motion made by Mrs. Smiles and seconded Mr. Yurek.

Motion Moved


Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Commissioner, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of August 2018 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.





Administration:  Finance and Grants


Joseph Scaltz           Mike Flynn       Frank Yurek


Motion was made to accept the final agreement settlement Fuller v. Borough of Wyoming.

Motion made by, Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mrs. Smiles

Motion Moved


Motion was made to accept the final agreement Mercavitch v. Borough of Wyoming.

Motion made by, Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Yurek.

Motion Moved


Report: Commercial loan with Fidelity Deposit & Discount Bank loan ending in 4375 has been satisfied on August 18, 2018. This was a TAN note that was transferred from M&T Bank to Fidelity on June 24, 2015.



No reports from committee



Emergency Service:  Police and Fire Departments


Diane Smiles          Mike Flynn            Joseph Scaltz


Motion was made to decide the future of Commissioner Michael Flanagan’s employment with the Borough.


Motion was made to take a break for an executive session to discuss amongst council. Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.

Motion Moved


Motion was re-entered and changed to extend the continued suspension without pay of Commissioner Michael Flanagan.


Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Flynn.

4-Yes Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Smiles, Mr. Baloga, Mr. Yurek. Mr. Nalewajko

1-No   Mr. Scaltz

Motion Moved


Mayor Dominick spoke: Council voted on and approved the contract for Commissioner Flanagan. He is not eligible for that contract. He would not be the right candidate for the contract that was drawn and approved.


Motion Initiated by councilman Mr. Baloga

Motion to eliminate the position of Police Commissioner in the Borough of Wyoming.


Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.

4 -No Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Smiles, Mr. Yurek, Mr. Nalewajko

2-Yes Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz

Motion Denied



No reports from committee




Health and Sanitation:  Recycling and Solid Waste


Frank Yurek              Michael Baloga           Diane Smiles


Reminder about the upcoming Paper Shred Event to take place on September 29th 2018 at the Flack Field from 11-3. Residents are allowed up to 3 bankers boxes to be shredded. Proof of residency must be provided.




Mike Flynn              Diane Smiles            Joseph Scaltz



Additional Motion initiated by Councilman Mr. Scaltz


Motion was made to terminate Tamra Smith as Borough Manager. Motion made by Mr. Scaltz and seconded by Mr. Baloga.


4-No Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Smiles, Mr. Yurek, Mr. Nalewajko

2 -Yes Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz

Motion not moved


Motion to suspend Tamra Smith without pay pending the outcome of the state investigation.

Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.

4-No Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Smiles, Mr. Yurek, Mr. Nalewajko



Report: Crossing guard increase to $10.00 an hour has been approved with Wyoming Area School District. The first pay period reflected the increase to all crossing guards.



Public Property:  Borough Building and Recreation


Frank Yurek           Diane Smiles          Mike Flynn


No reports from committee


Streets and Sewers: Public Works


Frank Yurek               Joseph Scaltz              Diane Smiles



Report: The Levee Crest Maintenance Road repair started construction on August 20th. The Swetland Lane parking lot will be temporarily closed to public use. The Authority requests the cooperation of the public by refraining from using the levee for recreation at this time.




Zoning and Planning:


Michael Baloga          Frank Yurek          Mike Flynn


Report: Spraying for mosquitoes is set to take place on August 28th. The Luzerne County West Nile Program will be conducting another ultra-low volume spray to reduce the high population of mosquitoes.



A community yard sale will take place on Saturday, September 22, 2018

No permits required, free to all Borough residents.

An add was placed in the Citizens Voice. Add will run Sept 13,14,15,20,21and 22nd in the Citizens Voice.



Solicitor’s Report


No Report




Mayor’s Report


Mayor Dominick asked council why the special meeting was cancelled?

(Councilman Nalewajko responded, the meeting was cancelled because he would be out of town.)


Mayor Dominick thanked Tom Skilonger, for entering the John Jude Bolin Park to be chosen for renovations through his employer Lowes. A vote was cast amongst the employees at Lowes and the Wyoming Borough was chosen.

He met with the project manager and we supply the labor and they supply the materials. Mid- October they will be placing new mulch, painting the fence and making repairs to the pavilion. It will be submitted for approval through Lowes.


Northeast Security will be coming to move the DVR from Tamra’s office to the Police Department. Looking to have a buzzer installed when someone enters the building and by the elevator. Place a monitor in the office with a view of the door, stairs and elevator.


Officer McGuirk supplied Borough Manager with information on police vehicle to be put up for bids.


The police department received their vest.


KB Guilford property –Judge issued a 45-day continuance on property to the owner of the property. Owner stated he will have the property demolished before the end of the 45 days. Harry will work with them to make sure things are done properly


State police were here and removed & returned items they needed for their investigation.


Mayor addressed the council about his concerns about re-instating Commissioner Flanagan. He expressed his feelings about having someone in charge of our police force who plead guilty to stealing from his previous employer. Spoke how the commissioner’s contract is not affordable to the Borough. The Borough does not need the position of a commissioner. “We are not a big city we are a small town.”

He asked if the council would make 2 motions

  1. Terminate the commissioner’s employment
  2. Terminate the Police Commissioners position






Floor opens to the public


Speakers: Michael Jordan, Pat Skilonger, Jerry Walsh, John Roberts, Brian Kriszka



Michael Jordan: Passed on speaking he changed his mind.


Pat Skilonger: Asked if there was a camera in the front of the Borough building facing the Gingerbread House? 

Friday at 3:37 a school bus was letting off children at their stop, a gentleman in a grey vehicle passed the bus when the stop signs and the buses blinking lights were on and nearly hit the children exiting the bus.

She tried to get into the building to report to the police but the door was locked. Something needs to be done. People are not obeying the laws.

(Was told to contact 911 when officers are not available)


Jerry Waslh: He had 6 simple Right to Know request that he had brought to the borough on July 12th, by August 15th would have been a 30 days extension. He is still waiting for a response. He gave plenty of time for an answer, The OOR was contacted and their attorney is going to investigate. This can result in a fine for the Borough. The fine will cost $1,500.00 and $500.00 a day for each request not answered.

He mentioned at last months meeting to council and nothing was ever handled.

(Lars Anderson will investigate in the absence of Solicitor)

Can the Borough appoint a new RTK officer?

No accountability for the Borough manager.

Asked what is the policy for accountability of employees?

Borough manager is an important role in the borough and she needs to be present in the borough daily.

The OOR will be contacting the Borough in regards to the RTK requests that were not completed.


(Mayor Dominick spoke: He had asked for a copy of manager’s contract and was told there is a verbal contract not written contract.)


Councilman Baloga stated that the Borough needs to draw up job description and duties. Need to look into sick days, holidays on the non-uniformed employees.



John Roberts: Upcoming events the Wyoming Free Library will be hosting.

Disney in the Park- October 14th Noon – 2:00pmat the Ralph Dailey Memorial Park West Wyoming.

October 1-31st is amnesty month

During the month of October bring in a can of grain free dog food or roll of paper towels and have your fines waived. Donations received will be distributed to the Blue-Chip Farm animal refugee.

Will also have a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser


Brian Kriszka: He is the Vice President for Wyoming Area Parents Association. Spoke on behalf fundraising for Soccer Team Grades 7-12

Limited budget looking to raise funds to obtain the equipment needed.

Fundraising helps defray the cost of purchase of equipment

Looking to raise $10,000.00

Searching for local businesses to advertise $150.00 for 2018 season for a vinyl sign. See him after the meeting if someone would like to donate.




**Please Note*** The October Council Meeting has been moved to Tuesday, October 9th due to Columbus, Monday October 8th, a National Holiday that is observed by the Borough.


Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mrs. Smiles.

Motion Moved


Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Yurek and seconded by, Mrs. Smiles.

Motion Moved




Motion to adjourn: Mr. Scaltz

Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles

Time: 8:29

Date:   August 20, 2018


Meeting Minutes Recorded by:  Roseanne Colarusso, Borough Secretary