July 8 2019 Council Meeting Minutes




July 8, 2019


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Mr. Stephen Nalewajko A             Mayor Joseph Dominick P

Mr. Frank Yurek                       Attorney Lars Anderson P

Mr. Michael Baloga P                                                   

Mr. John Lipski       P                                                                      

Mrs. Diane Smiles P                                   

Mr. Joseph Scaltz P                       

                                    Citizens: ­­­ 20              Press: No

Approval of minutes:  The minutes of the June 2019 meeting are available for review at the borough office.  The minutes are approved on a motion made by Michael Baloga and seconded by Diane Smiles

Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of June 2019 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.


Administration:  Finance and Grants


Joseph Scaltz           John Lipski        Frank Yurek

Pa Economy League spoke and reviewed the Boroughs finances. They will continue to work with the Borough Manager on a budget for 2020.

Michael Baloga made a motion to have Chris Cawley apply for the CFA Grant for paving project.

Motion made by: Michael Baloga

Seconded by:  John Lipski

Motion moved


 Bid tabulation for LSA Grant results:

Leeward Construction-$1,459.780.50

Sikora Brothers-           $2,046,500.00

James T. O’Hara-        $2,276,320.00

Due to these bids being over the project budget, Council authorized  rebidding the project and narrowing the project area to start at Ninth St and ending at Seventh St.

Motion made to reject all bids for the LSA Multi-Municipality Sanitary/Stormwater Sewer Replacement Project.

Motion made by: John Lipski

Motion seconded by: Joseph Scaltz

Motion moved

Motion made to rebid from 9th to 7th Street.

Motion made by- Michael Baloga

Motion seconded by- Joseph Scaltz

Motion moved

Emergency Service:  Police and Fire Departments


Diane Smiles          John Lipski           Joseph Scaltz

Council discussed replacing two Part Time Wyoming Borough Officers, Matthew Miller and Paul Bowman.

Chief Mercavitch has requested the hiring of Michael Fuller and Joseph Demark to fill their positions. These positions will need to be filled immediately.

Motion was made to hire Michael Fuller as a temporary Part Time Officer.

Motion made by: Michael Baloga

Seconded by: John Lipski

Motion moved

Motion made to advertise for part time officer for Wyoming Borough.

Motion made by: Joseph Scaltz

Seconded by: Diane Smiles

Motion moved


EMS complaint in regard to slow Ambulance response time on June 30th.Emt driver got lost. Response time recorded was 12 minutes.

Pittston Ambulance explained the response time was due to a software issue with the street address. In the future this should not happen again, since they are aware of the problem.

New fees proposed for 2020: Individual-$35.00, Senior-$30.00. Senior couple-$40.00 Family-$60.00

LSA 2018-Police Equipment Grant

Wyoming Borough Police Department received a lot of equipment from the West Wyoming Borough Police Department as a result of the LSA grant

Dan Zavada reported that last month 6 people from Hose Co # 2 attended an Active Shooting training. One of them is now certified as an instructor. The Hose Co #2 also purchased new air packs with no cost to the taxpayers.

Health and Sanitation:  Recycling and Solid Waste


Frank Yurek              Michael Baloga           Diane Smiles


 Residents have been coming in to pay their overdue sanitation fees. They had until June 14th to pay the overdue fees. Citations are in the process of being served.

The Paper Shred event for September 12, 2019 will be held at Pettebone Park on Monument Avenue from 4:00-7:00



John Lipski             Diane Smiles            Joseph Scaltz

Report: The Borough recognized Jim Tregan, DPW Street Commissioner for his 25 years of employment.

Public Property:  Borough Building and Recreation


Frank Yurek           Diane Smiles          John Lipski


The Recreation Board Flea Market held on June 23rd was a success. Funds will be used for two upcoming events.

Sundaes in the Park: July 14th 5:30

Movies in the Park: August 2nd 7:30

Winner of the 4th of July Basket was: Jodi Weiskerger

Streets and Sewers: Public Works


Frank Yurek               Joseph Scaltz              Diane Smiles

Report :

 No report

Zoning and Planning:


Michael Baloga          Frank Yurek          John Lipski

Council discussed taking back Zoning from Luzerne County. Attorney Anderson stated it would be an added expense and not in the Boroughs best interest at this time and did not recommend it. Council asked if he would look into it.


Mr. Baloga reported that someone is looking into building on the old Bartoli West Land where houses were torn down back in the 90’s due to flooding.

Solicitor’s Report

Attorney Anderson asked the council how they want to proceed with the Tsioles property transfer. He will meet with Hose Co #1 to discuss how it will be done.

Mayor’s Report

The Police Department responded to 178 incidents in the month of June 2019.

Floor opens to the public

Speakers were:

 1.  Lance Wren- Representing ST Network. Lance spoke about Recouping lost utility revenue & reducing future utility costs for the Borough.

2. Debra Del Regno- Debra spoke about Blight in her neighborhood

3. Tom Skilonger: Tom presented the report from Hose Co #1

4. Chris Cawley: Reported on Wyoming Boroughs Grants

Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Michael Baloga and seconded by John Lipski.

Motion moved

Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Diane Smiles and seconded by Michael Baloga.

Motion moved

Resolutions and Motions to be voted on

Unfinished Business:

Motion to adjourn: Michael Baloga

Seconded by:  Diane Smiles

Time:  9:05

Date:   July 8, 2019

Minutes recorded by Wyoming Borough Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Sabol

July 8, 2019