February 10, 2020
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Mr. Michael Baloga P Mayor Joseph Dominick P
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P Attorney Laura Dennis P
Mr. John Lipski P
Mr. Robert Borzell P
Mr. Russell Herron P
Mrs. Diane Smiles P
Wyoming Borough Council members congratulated Linda Lewis, owner of Chuck’s Auction who was inducted into the Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association Hall of Fame.
Citizens: __27__ _ Press: ___0____
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the January 2019 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Robert Borzell and seconded by Diane Smiles.
Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of January 2019 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.
Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Diane Smiles
Motion made to appoint Robert Borzell to Flood Plain Manager.
Motion made by: Russell Herron
Seconded by: John Lipski
Motion moved
Motion made, as per request of Paul J. Konopka, to amend the ordinance for the Tax Certification Fee from $5.00 to $15.00 to get to the current level of what other towns charge. This tax certificate ensures the information is up to date and accurate. Title companies, realtors and abstract companies pay this fee, there is no cost to our residents.
Motion made by: Robert Borzell
Seconded by: Russell Herron
Motion moved
Wyoming Borough received a renewal contract from Comcast. Contract will need to be reviewed before the renewal date of August 2020.
Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Robert Borzell
Wyoming Hose Co# 1 presented a letter to Borough asking if they can waive any fees associated with the acquisition/development of Wyoming Hose Co #1 property at 133 E. Eighth St.
Motion made to approve Wyoming Hose Co #1 request to waive the permit fees for the property located at 133 E Eighth St.
Motion made by: Robert Borzell
Seconded by: John Lipski
Motion moved
Councilman Scaltz and Mayor Dominick met with both leaderships from Hose Co #1 and Hose Co # 2 along with Borough Fire Chief this past month. Discussed at the meeting was fire box changes, which was agreed upon by both departments and since then has been implemented by 911 and also add Fire Police at Hose Co # 2. Agreed by both companies that the level of leadership for fire police at both companies would be one captain from each department. John Marianacci will remain Hose Co # 1 Fire Police Captain and Joel Skursky will be Hose Co # 2’s Fire Police Captain. All police members must be in good standing with their respective fire companies.
Motion made to reappoint John Marianacci Fire Police Captain for Hose Co #1.
Motion made by: Diane Smiles
Seconded by: John Lipski
Motion moved
Motion made to appoint Joel Skursky Fire Police Captain for Hose Co # 2.
Motion made by: Russell Herron
Seconded by: Diane Smiles
Motion moved
Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
Robert Borzell John Lipski Russell Herron
Discount period for sanitation bills ended February 7th. We are now in Face Amount, $250.00 until May 15th.
Diane Smiles Robert Borzell Joseph Scaltz
Report: No report
Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
Diane Smiles Russell Herron Robert Borzell
The Recreation Board is planning on holding the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4th at 11:00 am. Rain date is April 11th.
Streets and Sewers: Public Works
Russell Herron Joseph Scaltz Robert Borzell
Wyoming Borough Council members want to remind residents of the snow removal ordinance. Properties need to be cleared within 6 hours after snow has ceased.
Zoning and Planning:
John Lipski Russell Herron Robert Borzell
Motion made to draft a resolution for legal paperwork to bring back zoning to Wyoming Borough.
Motion made by: John Lipski
Seconded by: Robert Borzell
Motion moved
Report: No report
Solicitor’s Report
Peddling Ordinance
Dumpster Ordinance
Zoning and Planning update
Attorney Dennis is in the process of updating and amending the Wyoming Borough ordinances for Peddling, Dumpster Permits and Zoning. She will have a draft of these ordinances ready for the March Meeting.
Mayor’s Report
- The Police Department responded to 162 incidents in the month of January 2019
Rachel Stark from the Boy Scouts of America addressed council to discuss their Exploring Program. Exploring is a career-oriented program that exposed young adults (14-20) to hands on activities and mentoring that enables them to discover their future. The program to be discussed would be related to Law Enforcement.
Motion made to approve the Boy Scouts of America to use Wyoming Borough for the Exploring Program.
Motion made by: Joseph Scaltz
Seconded by: Diane Smiles
Motion moved
Floor opens to the public
Pat Skilonger- Pat asked if the Borough was going to invite the Wyoming Area Football Team to one of our meetings to recognize them for their championship.
She also inquired about the article in the newspaper about the municipal fee for the State Police, and about snow removal.
Tom Skilonger– Tom gave the Wyoming Hose Co. #1 report and asked about the snow removal ordinance.
Florence Aquilina- Florence addressed council about the increased sanitation fee and taxes for seniors.
Paul Middleton- Paul questioned the Wyoming Borough fees and hiring another solicitor for Zoning. He also spoke about the dog waste in the Borough.
Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Joseph Scaltz and seconded by Robert Borzell.
Motion moved
Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by John Lipski and seconded by Diane Smiles.
Motion moved
Unfinished Business: Two Borough Council members need to review and update the Borough Income based ordinance’s for Sanitation, Dumpster and
Solicitor fees
Motion to adjourn: Joseph Scaltz
Seconded by: Diane Smiles
Time: 8:45
Date: February 10, 2020