OCTOBER 27, 2020
6:30 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Mr. Michael Baloga P Mayor Joseph Dominick P
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P Attorney Laura Dennis P
Mr. John Lipski P
Mr. Robert Borzell P
Mr. Russell Herron P
Mrs. Diane Smiles P
Citizens: 4 Press: 0
Purpose of this special meeting is to appoint members to Wyoming Borough Civil Service Commission.
Civil Service Commission:
The Wyoming Borough made a motion to advertise for interested parties to send a letter of interest for 2 open seats for the Civil Service Commission at the October 13, 2020 meeting. Deadline to submit letter of interest October 22, 2020
Four candidates applied but two missed the deadline
Letters of Interest received: Paul E. Middleton
Jerome W. Walsh
Motion to reinstate Michael Jordan to the Civil Service Commission.
Motion made by Robert Borzell
Seconded by Diane Smiles
Motion moved
Motion to appoint Paul E. Middleton to the Civil Service Commission
Motion made by Russell Herron
Seconded by Robert Borzell
Motion moved
Motion will be made to appoint Jerome W. Walsh to the Civil Service Commission.
Motion made by: John LIpski
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved
Motion will be made to appoint Chairperson to the Civil Service Commission.
Motion made by: Robert Borzell
Seconded by: Diane Smiles
Motion moved
Motion made to appoint Michael Jordan Chairperson to Wyoming Borough Civil Service Commission.
Motion made by Michael Baloga
Seconded by Russell Herron
Motion moved
Motion to adjourn Robert Borzell
Seconded by Diane Smiles
Time: 6:37
Date: 10/27/2020