November 9, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes




NOVEMBER 9, 2020

7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting will be conducted Live on You Tube

Join Meeting


Roll Call:

Mr. Michael Baloga    A                                       Mayor Joseph Dominick P

Mr. Joseph Scaltz      P                                      Attorney Laura Dennis   P

Mr. John Lipski          A

Mr. Robert Borzell     P

Mr. Russell Herron  P                               

Mrs. Diane Smiles   P                   

Citizens: ­­­1__                         Press: 0__

Approval of minutes:  The minutes of the October 2020 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Diane Smiles and seconded by Robert Borzell.

Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of October 2020 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.

                                    ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS


Administration:  Finance and Grants


Joseph Scaltz           John Lipski        Diane Smiles

Wyoming Borough received three bids for a Tax Anticipation Note of $150,000.00

 for 2021, Fidelity D&D Bank, FNC Bank, and M&T Bank. Fidelity Bank rate 1.79%, FNCB 2.50%, M&T 2.35%.

Motion made to accept the proposal from Fidelity D& D Bank for the TAN note for 2021 at the rate of 1.79%, if they meet the Tax-Exempt status.

Motion made by Diane Smiles

Seconded by     Russell Herron

Motion moved


No report

Emergency Service:  Police and Fire Departments


Joseph Scaltz          John Lipski           Robert Borzell

 Only one response for full time officer was received. Application deadline is November 30th. Written test will take place on January 8th at 10 am at the Borough Building.

Chief Mercavitch asked about carrying over his vacation time till next year, due to the Covid outbreak.

Motion was made to approve carrying over the vacation time for full time officers for 2020 to be used by the end of 2021.

Motion made by Russell Herron

Seconded by    Robert Borzell

Motion moved

Wyoming Borough Council and the Wyoming Borough Police Officers would like to thank Attorney Dennis for her donation for the purchase of Back the Blue Flags. They are now available for purchase for $10.00 each. To date, we have sold 16 flags.

Report: no report

Health and Sanitation:  Recycling and Solid Waste


Robert Borzell              John Lipski           Russell Herron

Report: Mayor Dominick spoke about the problem with the yard waste pick up this week, due to Mascaro being short handed and only one truck available. They will take care of it on Tuesday.



Diane Smiles             Robert Borzell            Joseph Scaltz

Report: No report

Public Property:  Borough Building and Recreation


Diane Smiles           Russell Herron          Robert Borzell


Trunk or Treat was a huge success. Over 200 children attended, with 15 Trunks participating.

Streets and Sewers: Public Works


Russell Herron               Joseph Scaltz              Robert Borzell

Report: No report

Zoning and Planning:


John Lipski          Russell Herron          Robert Borzell

Solicitor’s Report:

Attorney Dennis congratulated Roseanne and all the volunteers who made the Trunk or Treat such a success.

Mayor’s Report

Councilman Scaltz commented on what a great job Mayor Dominick did on the Police Budget for this year and stated this was the first full year the Borough has had a budget to work with.

  • The Police Department responded to 137    incidents in the month of August 2020.

Floor opens to the public

Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by   Robert Borzell and seconded by Russell Herron.

Motion moved

Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment for November have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Russell Herron and seconded by Robert Borzell

Motion moved

Unfinished Business: Pa Economy League for December work session

Motion to adjourn RussellHerron

Seconded by Robert Borzell

Time: 8:10

Date:   11/09/2020