JANUARY 3, 2022
7:00 P.M.
Judge Tarah Toohil swears in Mayor, members of Council, candidates of the November 2021 election.
Mayor: Joseph J. Dominick Tax Collector: Paul Konopka First Ward: John Lipski Constable First Ward: John C. Constantino
Second Ward: Thomas J. Skilonger Third Ward: Michael J. Baloga
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Mr. Michael Baloga Mayor Joseph J. Dominick
Mr. Joseph Scaltz Atty Laura C. Dennis
Mr. John Lipski
Mr. Thomas J. Skilonger
Mr. Russell Herron
Mr. Robert Borzell
2022 Council Reorganization
The Council floor is open for nominations for Council President
A motion made by ___________________to elect _____________________ to the position of Wyoming Borough Council President. Motion seconded by________________.
Council President will call for the nomination for Council Vice President.
A motion made by ___________________to elect ______________________to the position of Wyoming Borough Council Vice President. Motion seconded by ______________.
Administration: Finance and Grants
______________________ _______________________ ____________________
Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
______________________ _______________________ ____________________
Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
______________________ _______________________ ____________________
______________________ _______________________ ____________________
Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
______________________ _______________________ ____________________
Streets and Sewers: Public Works
______________________ _______________________ ____________________
Zoning and Planning:
______________________ _______________________ ____________________
A motion made by ___________________to appoint ___________________ as Wyoming Borough Solicitor for 2022. Motion seconded by ___________________________.
A motion made by _____________________to appoint _______________________ as Wyoming Borough Labor Lawyer. Motion seconded by _______________________.
A motion to retain Roseanne Colarusso as Borough Manager, Secretary/Treasurer, and all full and part time employees on personnel roster for 2022. Motion made by _________________seconded by ______________________.
A motion made to retain Fidelity Deposit and Discount Bank as Borough depository for working funds. Motion made by ___________________ seconded by___________________.
A motion to retain Borough Manager, Borough Treasurer, President and Vice President of Council to sign signature cards for all Borough banking accounts and loan documentation. Motion made by _______________________seconded by __________________________.
A motion to allow Borough Manager to issue Payroll checks and pay all bills as they become due for payment, either by check, electronically on Vendors Payment Site or Web Bill Pay with Fidelity Bank. To transfer funds as needed. Motion made by ____________________seconded by_______________________.
A motion to approve Borough Manager to transfer funds to M&T Bank from Fidelity Bank General account to pay monthly small obligation loan. Motion made by _________________seconded by________________.
A motion to retain Reilly & Associates as Borough Engineer, as needed. Motion made by ______________ seconded by ___________________.
A motion to retain Prociak & Associates as Borough auditors for 2022.
Motion made by _______________ seconded by_________________.
A motion to retain Reilly & Associates as Grant Writers for 2022
. Motion made by _____________ seconded by __________________.
A motion to retain City of Pittston to perform code enforcement and building inspection services for the Wyoming Borough. Motion made by _________________ seconded by _______________.
A motion to retain PSAB-MRT as Borough Police Pension & Non-Uniform Pension Administrators.
Motion made by ___________________ seconded by __________________.
A motion to retain/ appoint ______________________ for EMA Director.
Motion made by________________ seconded by ________________________.
A motion to retain/appoint _____________________as Wyoming Borough Flood Plain Administrator.
Motion made by _______________________seconded by ________________________.
A motion made to retain Greater Pittston Ambulance as the Borough Ambulance.
Motion made by __________________ Seconded by ____________________
A motion needed to schedule Council Meetings for the Second Monday of each month with executive session beginning at 6:30, work session 7:00, and council meeting at 7:30.
Motion made by __________________
Seconded by ____________________
Motion to approve an ordinance of the Borough of Wyoming, County of Luzerne, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to enter an intermunicipal cooperation agreement with Exeter Borough, West Pittston Borough, and West Wyoming Borough and the Township of Exeter, which establishes the Wyoming Area Regional Police Commission and to provide police services to each member municipality by and through a newly formed Wyoming Area Regional Police Department.
Motion made by: _________________________
Seconded by: ____________________________
Motion to adjourn: