We have just been informed that Best Buy Retail Stores in Pennsylvania are once again accepting televisions and monitors (up to 49”) for recycling. There are a few restrictions, and a fee in most cases, associated with this program. It is important to ensure residents are made aware of the restrictions and potential fees prior to taking their televisions/monitors to a Best Buy Retail Store for drop off:
- Only televisions/monitors up to 49 inches will be accepted;
- There is a limit or two items per day (two televisions or two monitors; or one of each);
- Best Buy branded televisions and monitors (Dynex or Insignia) will be accepted at no charge;
- Televisions and monitors of other brands will be accepted, but the resident will be charged $29.99 per television or monitor. Residents paying the collection fee will be issued a $30 Best Buy Gift Card. Please note, this collection fee model is acceptable in accordance with Section 504 of the Covered Device Recycling Act (CDRA).