Meeting Minutes
August 20th 2018
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Mr. Stephen Nalewajko P Attorney Shannon Crake Lapsansky A
Mr. Frank Yurek P Mayor Joseph Dominick P
Mr. Michael Baloga P Lars Anderson (in attendance for solicitor) P
Mr. Michael Flynn P
Mrs. Diane Smiles P
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P
Citizens: 30 Press: Yes
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the July 2018 meeting are available for review at the borough office and the Borough’s website. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Mrs. Smiles and seconded Mr. Yurek.
Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Commissioner, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of July 2018 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.
Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz Mike Flynn Frank Yurek
The Borough applied for the Early Intervention Program with DCED and requested a grant to pay 75% of the cost of the program.
No reports from committee
Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
Diane Smiles Mike Flynn Joseph Scaltz
Appraisals were received from Marcum Motors for Police car #1 and Police car #4.
Motion was made to rescind previous motion made on May 14, 2018 to put up Police car #1 up for bids. Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Scaltz
4 -Yes Mrs. Smiles, Mr. Scaltz, Mr. Baloga, Mr. Yurek
2- No Mr. Flynn, Mr. Nalewajko
Motion Moved
Motion was made to put the 2009 Tahoe Police car #4 up for bids. Motion made by Mr. Baloga, seconded by Mr. Scaltz.
Motion Moved.
Motion to continue the suspension without pay of Police Commissioner Michael Flanagan indefinitely pending the outcome of the criminal charges filed against him. Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.
Motion Moved
No reports from committee
Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
Frank Yurek Michael Baloga Diane Smiles
No Report
Mike Flynn Diane Smiles Joseph Scaltz
Motion was made to hire Louis Dengan as a crossing guard for the 2018-2019 school year pending clearances. Motion made by Mr. Flynn and seconded by Mr. Yurek.
Motion Moved
Motion was made to hire Paul Kamor as a crossing guard for the 2018-2019 school year pending clearances. Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Yurek.
Motion Moved
Motion was made to hire Carmella Coolbaugh as an alternate crossing guard pending clearances. Motion made by Mr. Flynn and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.
Motion Moved
Motion was made to hire Matt Evans as a part time police officer. Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Yurek.
Motion Moved
Motion was made to hire Matt Miller as a part time police officer. Motion made by Mr. Flynn and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.
Motion Moved
No reports from committee
Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
Frank Yurek Diane Smiles Mike Flynn
Report: The basketball hoops have been repaired at the park.
Streets and Sewers: Public Works
Frank Yurek Joseph Scaltz Diane Smiles
No report from committee
Report from DPW Supervisor Jim Tregan
The handicap curb on First and Susquehanna Avenue is complete.
The basketball backboards have been made and installed at Bolin Park.
The DPW will be using the COG vac truck between August 27th – September 7th to clean out the storm drains.
The DPW will have the COG sweeper between August 20 thru August 23rd and will be sweeping in the Borough.
The K.B Guilford property was maintenance by the DPW and billed the owner for work done.
Zoning and Planning:
Michael Baloga Frank Yurek Mike Flynn
Report: Spraying for mosquitoes is set to take place on August 15th. The Luzerne County West Nile Program will be conducting another ultra-low volume spray to reduce the high population of mosquitoes. More details are listed on the Borough’s website under the news tab.
The Borough Secretary will contact the Conservation District to see if they can set another spraying in the Borough.
Results: The next spraying will take place on August 28th 2018.
A community yard sale will take place on Saturday, September 22, 2018
No permits required, free to all Borough residents.
An add will be placed in the Citizens Voice and a flyer will be placed on the Borough’s website. Residents will be asked to contact the Borough if they would like to participate.
Miscellaneous: Aubrey Ginocchietti, owner of Super Bounce located in the Midway shopping center spoke to council about possible community events to be held. Would like to do positive things in the community. Bring back the farmers market, have a First Friday walk, projects to do murals. The Recreation board needs to get up and running. October 27th they will have a Halloween Parade.
Solicitor’s Report
No Report
Mayor’s Report
The police Department responded to 254 incidents in the month of July 2018.
Mayor Dominick requested a copy of the recent audit that was conducted by Prociak & Associates. The copy he received was not inclusive so he contacted Patty from Prociak and she gave him the missing information that was withheld from him and council. He wanted to know why this was withheld from what was distributed?
Mayor Dominick stated that an email that was sent to Mr. Baloga from Borough Manager stating that the late fees from the loan were waived due to the conversation she had with the banks relationship manager. Mayor Dominick is responsible for having the late fees removed from the loan. He reached out to Fidelity Bank CEO Dan Santaniello, The Mayor explained to him what was going on in the Borough so he decided to waive the late fees.
Mayor Dominick asked why was there money withdrawn from the Sewer account?
Amount listed on the audit was $21,875.00.
Mayor Dominick wanted to know the outcome of the Hose Co#1 meeting.
It was supposed to be a EMS committee meeting not a regular meeting with a quorum. The meeting was not announced in the paper. Violation of the Sunshine Act.
(Lars Anderson stated that a quorum can meet to obtain information. And that no decisions have been made yet)
Surveillance system in the building should be under the police access, not in Tamra’s office. Non-law enforcement should not have access to the DVR. This needs to be set up differently.
Asked if we have proper signage for the cameras
Mayor announced that Officer Mercavitch is back on duty with the police department.
The Borough can save money by purchasing a year packet at Mr. Kleen for car cleaning.
Issue: Problem with officers not having ammunition.
Commended Officer McGuirk for all his work.
Bike Rodeo was conducted at the park, Officer Slatcoff took control and the event went well.
Mayor Dominick has yet to receive the contract for the Manager. Also requested information of all applicants and resumes for the Borough Manager position.
(Mr. Baloga requested minutes from when Tamra was hired as the Borough Manager. June 2010 the old Borough manager had resigned, there was no July 2010 minutes they were missing. Tamra was retained in January of 2011 and
she has no contract with the Borough. Council is unaware of her set hours.)
Additional Motions initiated by Councilman Mr. Michael Baloga
Motion was made to terminate Tamra Smith as Borough Manager. Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.
4-No Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Smiles, Mr. Yurek, Mr. Nalewajko
2 -Yes Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Motion not moved
Motion was made for the Police Department to have the access to the cameras so the Borough doesn’t have any liabilities. Motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mr. Scaltz
4-Yes Mrs. Smiles, Mr. Scaltz, Mr. Baloga, Mr. Yurek
2-No Mr. Flynn, Mr. Nalewajko
Motion Moved
Floor opens to the public
Speakers: Tom Skilonger, Jerry Walsh, Pat Skilonger, Mr. Jordan, Bobby Borzell
Tom Skilonger: Asked Council what doesn’t Tamra control in the Borough? What are her hours? Does she have set hours? There is no accountability.
Facebook page should be a forum for the residents. Why does she have all the control?
Jerry Walsh: He submitted a Right to Know request and he received nothing in the mail. July 12th, he submitted 8 requests, 6 of the requests he is waiting for a 30-day extension letter. The letters he receives are never signed by the Right to Know officer. The Borough can be fined $500.00 a day frominformation being withheld.
Told council there are many issues they need to address with Borough manager.
He is interested for the position on the Civil Service Committee, Vince Cecconi had resigned. What is the process to apply? (Council response: The vacancy needs to be advertised and the Mayor and Civil Service will interview.)
Pat Skilonger: How does the Borough apply for grants? Why don’t we get grants? (Borough has a grant writer that applies for grants)
Over the past several months she has been attending other borough’s meetings to see how they do things.
She is happy with Aubrey’s suggestions, to have more community events.
She asked council to stand by the residents and do what is right for the Borough and remove Tamra as the Borough Manger.
Mr. Jordan: The residents need to have complete faith in the Police Department. He strongly recommends Commissioner Flanagan be suspended without pay and if he pleads guilty they need to terminate his employment with the Borough.
Bobby Borzell: Welcomed back Officer Mercavitch, asked how did he get back on the force? (Lars Anderson: Mercavitch provided the Borough with medical clearances, and he was reinstated once all his clearances came back)
Security cameras are not accessible to police only to Tamra.
Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Baloga and seconded by Mrs. Smiles.
Motion Moved
Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Yurek and seconded by, Mrs. Smiles.
Motion Moved
Unfinished Business:
Crossing Guard pay increase issue, Jarret followed up with Wyoming Area and the issue will be resolved before the start of the 2018-2019 school year. Pay will be retroactive if not notified by the crossing guards first pay period.
Motion to adjourn: Mr. Yurek
Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles
Time: 8:27
Date: August 20, 2018
Meeting Minutes Recorded by: Roseanne Colarusso, Borough Secretary