Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Mr. Stephen Nalewajko P Attorney Shannon Crake- Lapsansky A
Mr. Frank Yurek P Mayor Joseph Dominick P
Mr. Michael Baloga A Lars Anderson P
Mr. Michael Flynn A
Mrs. Diane Smiles P
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P
Citizens: 22 Press:0
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the November 2018 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Mrs. Smiles and seconded by Mr. Yurek.
Motion Moved
Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of November 2018 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.
Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz Mike Flynn Frank Yurek
A motion will be made to sign a “Letter of Intent” with the DCED. The Letter of Intent is submitted to the Governor’s Center for Local Government Services to request technical assistance. By submitting to this request, the Wyoming Borough agrees to cooperate with the Center.
A motion will be made to open the EIP bid Request for Proposal.
A motion will be made a motion to accept and proceed with the process.
Bank account updates were made to all accounts on deposit with Fidelity Deposit & Discount Bank.
New account agreements have been changed and updated as of November 21st 2018.
M&T Sewer Account has also been updated.
Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
Diane Smiles Mike Flynn Joseph Scaltz
A motion will be made to approve Police Department Collective Bargaining Agreement.
A motion will be made to review the Pension Ordinance & to publish notice of proposed change to Pension Ordinance
Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
Frank Yurek Michael Baloga Diane Smiles
Report: The 2019 Trash Invoices will be mailed out the week of December 17 2018.
Discount period: December 19th thru February 6th – $190.00
Face period: February 7th thru May 15th – $200.00
Senior Discount Period: December 19th thru May 15th – $190.00
Late Period: Payments made after May 15th- $250.00 No exceptions
Vacant properties are not exempt from the garbage fee.
Mike Flynn Diane Smiles Joseph Scaltz
Motion to be made to accept resignation from Solicitor Shannon Crake Lapsansky
Motion to appoint a new Solicitor for the Borough.
Report: No report
Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
Frank Yurek Diane Smiles Mike Flynn
Report: No report
Streets and Sewers: Public Works
Frank Yurek Joseph Scaltz Diane Smiles
A motion will be made to approve an amendment to the Sewer Ordinance.
A motion will be made to approve Handicap parking spot in front of 17 East 7th Street. Geraldine Leo is the owner. (See attached letter)
Report: The residents received letters from WVSA informing them on the increase to the Sewer Fees. Jeff Colella will speak today to the residents to explain the “Stormwater Program”.
Zoning and Planning:
Michael Baloga Frank Yurek Mike Flynn
Report: No report
Solicitor’s Report: The Borough is required to pass a budget, we will need to have a special meeting on December 31st at 2:00 to pass a balanced budget.
Mayor’s Report
The Police Department responded to 290 incidents in the month of November 2018.
Max put a budget together for the Police Department.
Floor opens to the public
Mr. Jerry Walsh: Most of the RTK issues have been resolved, he met with Lars Anderson.
Realized the Borough has problems, but something needs to be done with the insurance.
Asked about the Grant funds that were to be used for structure demolishment. Mr. Yurek explained how the Borough was allowed to change the designation of the funds to fund the Sewer Project for Colonial Acres. This was approved by the county.
KB Guilford building was to be demolished and is still standing.
Officer Mercavitch noted this should be scheduled for December 17, 2018.
How much money did the Borough spend at McCarthy Tire? There are other Co-Star dealers close by that the Borough can also use.
The Borough can use help with Human Resources.
Not surprised that the Borough has no policies in place for their employees. If the Borough had policies in place it may not be in the situation it currently is in.
Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Yurek and seconded by Mrs. Smiles.
Motion Moved
Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Scaltz and seconded by Mrs. Smiles
Motion Moved
Resolutions and Motions to be voted on:
Motion to be made to sign the “Letter of Intent” with the DCED.
Motion made by Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved
Motion to be made to open the Bid proposal for the EIP Program
Motion made by Mr. Yurek
Seconded by Mrs. Smiles
Motion Moved
Motion to be made to approve Police Department Collective Bargaining Agreement
Motion made by Mr. Yurek
Seconded by Mrs. Smiles
Motion Moved
Motion to be made to review the Pension Ordinance & to publish notice of proposed change to Pension Ordinance
Motion made by Mr. Scaltz
Seconded by Mr. Yurek
Motion Moved
Motion to accept the resignation of Shannon Crake Lapsansky
Motion made by Mr. Yurek
Seconded by Mrs. Smiles
Motion Moved
Motion to appoint Lars Anderson as the Borough’s Solicitor
Motion made by Mr. Scaltz
Seconded by Mr. Yurek
Motion Moved
Motion to approve Handicap parking space in front of 17 East 7th Street
Motion made by Mr. Yurek
Seconded by Mr. Saltz
Motion Moved
Cost will be the resident’s responsibility
Motion to hire a private investigator for personnel matter.
Motion made by Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved
Motion to accept to accept the resignation of Councilman Mr. Flynn, effective immediately.
Motion made by Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by Mr. Scaltz
Motion moved
Motion to advertise for the 1st Ward Council seat to replace Mr. Flynn.
Motion made by Mr. Yurek
Seconded by Mr. Smiles
Motion Moved
Motion to accept PA Economy League for the Borough’s Early Intervention Program. Bid of $40,125.00.
Motion made by Mr. Yurek
Seconded by Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved
Motion to approve estimated budget.
Motion made by Mr. Yurek
Seconded by Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved
Motion to give authority to proceed with the TAN Note with M&T Government Banking.
Motion made by Mr. Yurek
Seconded by Mr, Scaltz
Motion Moved
Motion to accept the resignation of Commissioner Flanagan.
Motion made by Mr. Scaltz
Seconded by Mr. Yurek
Motion Moved
Unfinished Business:
Budget meeting
Appointment of Civil Service Committee Position
Appointment of MRT Pension Chief Administrator
Motion was never made on hiring Private Investigator added to December Motions.
Motion to adjourn: Mr. Scaltz
Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles
Time: 9:43
Date: December 10, 2018
Minutes recorded by: Roseanne Colarusso, Borough Secretary