August 9, 2021
7:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Mr. Michael Baloga P Mayor Joseph Dominick A
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P Attorney Laura Dennis P
Mr. John Lipski P
Mr. Robert Borzell P
Mr. Russell Herron P
Mrs. Diane Smiles P
Citizens: 11 Press: 1
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the July 2021 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Mr. Borzell and seconded by Mr. Herron.
Motion Moved
Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of July 2021 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.
Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Diane Smiles
Representative from Blueprint Benefits Group discussed insurance options for
Health, Dental, Vision and life Insurance. The council will review.
Reilly & Associates reviewed grants with council
CDBG process- Bid, Advertisement. LSA Grant $200,000.00
2021 LSA grant to be discussed on borough needs, submission date deadline September 30th.
Reilly and Associates will work with Hose Co. #1 to obtain a HOP Permit and Land Development Plan for the borough property that is located at 133 East Eight Street. Property the Borough leased to Hose Co#1.
Motion was made to do a Request for Proposal for Borough Property, vehicle, public official, police professional insurance and a Request for Proposal for Employee Health, Vision, Dental & Life Insurance.
Motion made by: Mr. Scaltz
Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles
Motion moved
Motion to authorize Reilly & Associates to provide Request for Proposal and advertisement for engineering services for the Community Development Block Grant Street project.
Motion made by: Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by: Mr. Herron
Motion moved
Report: Preliminary Budget meeting to be scheduled.
Financial Requirement and Minimum Municipal Obligation Budget for Uniform and Non-Uniform Pension for 2022
Uniform = $23,275.00
Non-Uniform= $13,500.00
Total needed to budget for 2022 Fiscal Year $ 36,775.00
Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Robert Borzell
Motion to rescind the prior appointments to the Wyoming Area Police Regionalization Commission.
Motion made by: Mr. Herron
Seconded by: Mr. Borzell
Motion Moved
Motion to approve the appointment of Mayor to serve on the Wyoming Area Police Regionalization Commission.
Motion made by: Mr. Herron
Seconded by: Mr. Scaltz
Motion moved
Motion to appoint council person who is the chairperson for Emergency Services to serve on the Wyoming Police Regionalization Commission.
Motion made by: Mr. Borzell
Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles
Motion moved
Motion to appoint Council Chairperson to serve as the alternate appointee to the Wyoming Area Police Regionalization Commission.
Motion made by: Mr. Herron
Seconded by: Mr. Scaltz
Motion moved
Report: With School returning the Police Department need to monitor parking at the corner of Tenth Street and Dennison.
Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
Robert Borzell John Lipski Russell Herron
Report: Many complaints have been coming in about missed trash and recycling. Reports have been made to J. P. Mascaro to be handled.
Diane Smiles Robert Borzell Joseph Scaltz
Motion to advertise for a crossing guard at the hourly rate of $10.00 per hour.
Motion made by: Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by: Mr. Herron
Motion Moved
Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
Diane Smiles Russell Herron Robert Borzell
Motion made to approve Edward Hennigan a representative from LCCC to set up a table at the Butler Street Park to hand out information on what the college has to offer. They will also be giving out small giveaways.
Motion made by: Mr. Scaltz
Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles
Motion Moved
Motion made to approve Community Yard Sale for September 11, 2021, with a rain date of September 18, 2021. The yard sale permit has been waived for the sale.
Motion made by: Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by: Mr. Herron
Motion moved
Recreation Board in conjunction with the Wyoming Free Library will host a “Movie in the Park” in August 13th at 8:00 p.m.
Free refreshments will be served.
Streets and Sewers: Public Works
Russell Herron Joseph Scaltz Robert Borzell
Telephonic bids were obtained by James Tregan for Sewer repairs to be made on the 400 block of Monument Ave.
Ed Krasavage- $22,000.00
Charlie Holena- $ 19,500.00
Stell Enterprises- No response
Carpinet – Refused to bid, job is too large for company to handle.
Motion made to ratify the contract between the Borough of Wyoming and Charlie Holena in the amount of $19,500.00, for emergency repair of a collapsed pipe on Monument Avenue.
Motion made by: Mr. Borzell
Seconded by: Mr. Herron
Motion moved
Motion to approve purchase for a camera system for sewer.
Motion made by: Mr. Borzell
Seconded by: Mr. Herron
Motion moved
Report: Residents with handicapped parking spaces were mailed a letter with an application to renew their handicap space. Residents have 30 days to return renewal.
Zoning and Planning:
John Lipski Russell Herron Robert Borzell
Report: The Zoning Ordinance Provisions has been mailed to the Luzerne County Zoning office for review.
Working with Borough Solicitor to review and move forward with the process of obtaining zoning at borough level.
Solicitor’s Report: Spoke with resident Ann Zack about reported issues regarding Forty Fort Airport.
Mayors Report: The Police Department responded to 165 incidents in the month of July 2021.
Herbert Hall: Complaint regarding yard waste, no where to take it anymore, it is piling up.
Visited the FAA regarding the airplanes at the Forty Fort airport. They are flying low and his family is frightened, the noise is an issue. He has taken videos of the planes taking off. He said it is a danger to the area. Very upset that we have no jurisdiction with the airport.
Matthew Suchocki: Request to park his work vehicle on Borough property because he is a state employee and he is not allowed to have his vehicle parked at his residence.
Council suggested since he worked for the state to check if they have any local facilities that he can park his vehicle.
Jerry Lynott: Asked council is it a common practice that council receives gifts from the borough? Recently submitted a Right to Know requesting councilman Baloga’s Statement of Financial Interest and he had listed he received a $2500.00 gift from the borough. Brought up other Right to Know request he submitted were denied.
Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Borzell and seconded by Mr. Lipski.
Motion moved
Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment for August have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Herron and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.
Motion moved
Unfinished Business: None
Motion to adjourn: Mr. Lipski
Seconded by: Mr. Scaltz
Time: 8:39 p.m.
Date: August 9, 2021
Minutes Recorded by: Roseanne Colarusso, Borough Manager