Special Council Meeting Minutes
December 31, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Mr. Stephen Nalewajko P Attorney Lars Anderson P
Mr. Frank Yurek P Mayor Joseph Dominick P
Mr. Michael Baloga P
Mrs. Diane Smiles P
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P
Citizens: _34 Press: 0
Before the meeting started the 2 candidates who put letters of interest into council for the vacant council seat addressed council.
Mr. John Lipski and Mr. Robert Borzell.
A motion was voted on Mr. Lipski was appointed to council to fill the vacant seat from the 1st ward.
Mr. Lipski was sworn in by Magistrate Carmondy
Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz Frank Yurek
A motion will be made to pass 2019 revised Budget.
A motion will be made to set the Real Estate Tax to 3.7905 Mils for the 2019 Fiscal Year.
A motion will be made to approve the TAN loan term sheet that was presented at the December 18, 2019 meeting.
Floor open to the public
Speakers: Tina Sabatini, Tom Skilonger, Mark Bertocci, John Lipski, Bob Borzell.
Mr. Rose.
- Tina Sabatini: She is appalled by the secret meetings. Born in Wyoming and loves it here. The council members phone numbers should be listed in the phone book.
- Tom Skilonger: Congratulated the Borough on reaching a new low. Upset by the comment made by Office Bauman pertaining to his mentally challenged sister over the police radio.
(Mayor Dominick waiting to get copies of the tape, the complaint will be addressed.)
- Mark Bertocci: Recommended the Borough street lighting be converted to LED lighting.
- Rose: Spoke to council about the hours Roseanne Colarusso put into getting the budget together. Worked with her on getting it to as close as it can get. The council will need to enact the budget in order to receive the TAN note.
Mayor recommended a Forensic audit, Mr. Rose stated the second step would be for the EIP program to take place. They will speak with council.
The EIP program needs to start before a Forensic audit is voted on.
2 Candidates spoke to council
Mr. John Lipski: Life long resident of Wyoming. Retired from Kraft Foods, he also served as a prior zoning officer. He wasn’t aware he needed to be of a certain party, but feels that Republican and Democrat is just a name. He recently changed his party to Democrat.
Stated he was never convicted of a crime.
Mr. Robert Borzell: Stated he will use what he knows to help out the Borough. He has been of the Democratic party since September. He had no knowledge of Mr. Flynn’s decision to resign. The Borough is way out of hand, he has attended many meetings and feels that the Borough has gone downhill. He stated that he was never convicted of a crime.
Pat Skilonger asked to speak, she feels that Mr. Borzell would be good for the vacant council seat.
Resolutions and Motions to be Voted on:
Motion was made to appoint new council member.
Motion to appoint Robert Borzell as the new council member
Motion made by Mr. Baloga
Seconded by Mr. Scaltz
3 No Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Yurek, Mrs. Smiles
2 Yes Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Motion not moved
Motion to appoint Mr. John Lipski as the new council member.
Motion made by Mr. Yurek
Seconded by Mrs. Smiles
3 Yes Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Yurek, Mrs. Smiles
2 No Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved
Motion made to accept and pass the 2019 Revised Budget.
Motion made by Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by Mr. Nalewajko
3 Yes Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Yurek, Mrs. Smiles
2 No Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Mr. Lipski abstained from voting
Motion Moved
Motion made to set the Real Estate Tax to 3.7905 Mils for the 2019 Fiscal Year.
Motion Made by Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by Mr. Yurek
3 Yes Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Yurek, Mrs. Smiles
2 No Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Mr. Lipski abstained from voting
Motion Moved
Motion made to accept the TAN term sheet from M&T Government Banking
Motion made by Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by Mr. Yurek
3 Yes Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Yurek, Mrs. Smiles
2 No Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Mr. Lipski abstained from voting
Motion Moved
Motion to Authorize Atty. Anderson to take legal steps to terminate Department of Public Work Service contract with West Wyoming.
Motion made by Mr. Baloga
Seconded by Mr. Scaltz
Mr. Lipski Abstained from voting
Motion Moved
Motion to adjourn: Mr. Scaltz
Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Date: December 31, 2018
Meeting Minutes recorded by: Roseanne Colarusso, Borough Secretary