Aug 12, 2019
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Mr. Stephen Nalewajko P Mayor Joseph Dominick P
Mr. Frank Yurek P Attorney Lars Anderson P
Mr. Michael Baloga P
Mr. John Lipski P
Mrs. Diane Smiles P
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P
Citizens: 21 Press: No
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the July 2019 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Michael Baloga and seconded by Joseph Scaltz
Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of July 2019 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.
Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Frank Yurek
Motion made to rescind LSA Grant due to funds not available.
Motion made by: Michael Baloga
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved
Motion made to seek proposals from qualified banking institutions to refinance certain existing Borough debt borrowings.
Motion made by: Joseph Scaltz
Seconded by: Diane Smiles
Motion moved
Motion made to approve draw #4 in the amount of $18,165.36 for the Charles Flack Memorial Grant for bleachers, scoreboard, and dugout benches.
Motion made by: Frank Yurek
Seconded by: Michael Baloga
Motion moved
Motion made to approve Ashburn Advisors, LLC as grant consultants for the CFA Multimodal Grant Submission for $493,863.50.
Motion made by: Frank Yurek
Seconded by: Diane Smiles
Motion moved
Motion made to reallocate the $500,000.00 Sewer Grant funds to be used to pave roads.
Motion made by: Joseph Scaltz
Seconded by: Michael Baloga
Motion moved
Motion made to approve Lance Wren of ST Network to review Borough utility bills to see if they are entitled to a recovery from overcharged utility bills
Motion made by: Frank Yurek
Seconded by: John Lipski
4-Yes Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Yurek, Mr. Lipski, Mrs. Smiles
2-No Mr. Baloga, Mr. Scaltz
Motion moved
Wyoming Borough thanked Jimmy Joe Ostrowski for donating the Wyoming Diamond Jubilee Flag.
Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
Diane Smiles John Lipski Joseph Scaltz
Motion made to hire 3 part time officers: Michael Fuller, Michael Turner, and Danny Thomas
Motion made by: Michael Baloga
Seconded by: John Lipski
Motion moved
Report: No Report
Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
Frank Yurek Michael Baloga Diane Smiles
Motion made to advertise for an RFP for 2020 Sanitation service.
Motion made by: Michaël Baloga
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved
Motion made to accept Aaron Kaufer’s invitation to take part in the 2019 recycling Event to be held at the Luzerne County Fields, 1571 Wyoming Ave. Forty Fort on Thursday, Oct 24th 3-6 pm.
Motion made by: Frank Yurek
Seconded by: Michael Baloga
Motion moved
Citations have been served to the residents who have not paid their overdue sanitation fees. Wyoming Borough has been receiving a lot of complaints from residents about trash and recyclables not being picked up in different areas.
The Paper Shred event for September 12, 2019 will be held at Pettibone Park on Monument Avenue from 4:00-7:00
Lipski Diane Smiles Joseph Scaltz
Report: No report
Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
Frank Yurek Diane Smiles John Lipski
Wyoming Kiwanis requested permission from Council to install flags in the Borough for the Hometown Hero’s Program. The program will be no cost to Wyoming Borough and the cost will be $225.00 per flag, and will be on display from Memorial Day to Veterans Day. The Kiwanis will be responsible for all maintenance and installations. Wyoming Borough will need proof of insurance.
Motion made by: John Lipski
Seconded by: Frank Yurek
Motion moved
Sundaes in the Park: July 14th 5:30 was a huge success 176 sundaes were served
Movies in the Park was held on Aug 9th and was also a huge success.
Wyoming Borough Recreation Board and the Council thanked the sponsors: Autism Behavior Group, Movies 14, Independent Graphics, Wyoming VFW, Gerrity’s, Wegmans, Fidelity Bank, and Mr. and Mrs. Petroski.
Streets and Sewers: Public Works
Frank Yurek Joseph Scaltz Diane Smiles
Jim Tregan requested permission to get estimates to cut down a dead tree in Butler St Park.
No report
Zoning and Planning:
Michael Baloga Frank Yurek John Lipski
Report: No report
Solicitor’s Report-No report
Mayor’s Report
The Police Department responded to 178 incidents in the month of June 2019.
Mayor Dominick requested the recreation sign to be moved to Eighth St for better viewing
Floor opens to the public
Speakers were:
1. Lance Wren- Representing ST Network. Lance spoke about Recouping lost utility revenue & reducing future utility costs for the Borough.
2. Chuck Schell- spoke about noise disturbance from neighbors’ dogs for a whole weekend, and noise control ordinances.
3. Tom Skilonger: Tom presented the report from Hose Co #1
4. Chris Cawley: Reported on Wyoming Boroughs Grants
Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Diane Smiles and seconded by Michael Baloga
Motion moved
Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Michael Baloga and seconded by Joseph Scaltz.
Motion moved
Unfinished Business:
Motion to adjourn: John Lipski
Seconded by: Diane Smiles
Time: 8:00
Date: Aug 12, 2019
Minutes recorded by Wyoming Borough Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Sabol
Aug 12, 2019