August 10, 2020
7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting will be conducted Live on You Tube
Join Meeting
Roll Call:
Mr. Michael Baloga P Mayor Joseph Dominick A
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P Attorney Laura Dennis P
Mr. John Lipski P
Mr. Robert Borzell P
Mr. Russell Herron P
Mrs. Diane Smiles A
Citizens: _0_ Press: _0_
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the July2020 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Robert Borzell and seconded by Joseph Scaltz.
Motion moved
Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of July 2020 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.
Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Diane Smiles
Motion made to approve reimbursement #5 for Charles Flack Memorial Grant. On Deck Sports for $4,285.51.
Motion made by: Russell Herron
Seconded by: Robert Borzell
Motion moved
Motion made to authorize Borough manager, Roseanne Colarusso to apply for Cares Funding Luzerne County covid-19 County Relief Block Program and execute all documents and requests for payment on behalf of the Wyoming Borough.
Motion made by: Robert Borzell
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved
Motion was made to approve Borough Manager, Roseanne Colarusso to apply for the CDBG Infrastructure Grant.
Motion made by: John Lipski
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved
We received information from the Luzerne County Council that they decided the end of the Face period for County Real Estate taxes will remain on August 19, 2020
Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Robert Borzell
Motion made to approve an amendment to the Ordinance prohibiting pollution occasioned by outdoor fires within the Borough of Wyoming.
Motion made by: Russell Herron
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved
Chief Mercavitch has received Official Letters of Resignation from part time officers Kevin Walkowiak, Matthew Evans, and Philip Miller.
Motion made to approve Chief Mercavitch, EMS Chair Scaltz, and Mayor Dominick to meet with representatives from West Wyoming, West Pittston, Exeter, and Exeter Township to discuss regionalization of police forces into one Greater Wyoming Area Police Department.
Motion made by: Russell Herron
Seconded by: John Lipski
Motion moved
Wyoming Borough Council and the Borough Police Department thanked Robert Dipetro for his donation of 40 N95 masks.
Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
Robert Borzell John Lipski Russell Herron
Motion made to advertise the amendment of the Proposed Ordinance for The Regulation of THE USE OF TRASH DUMPSTERS AND PORTABLE STORAGE pursuant to Title 8 Pa. C.S. A. §3301.2
Motion made by Robert Borzell
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved
Motion made to approve a resolution to reflect to the Garbage fee increase for 2020-2021.
Annual fee- $250.00
Discount period 12/19/20-02/07/20- $240.00
Face period 02/08/20 thru 05/15/20- $250.00
Late fee $50.00 after May 15,2020
Senior Citizens Discount 12/19/2019 thru 5/15/2020 $240.00
Motion made by: Joseph Scaltz
Seconded by: Russell Herron
Motion moved
Report: Past due invoices with the $50.00 late fee have been sent out to unpaid residents, with 30 days to pay or get turned over to Chief Mercavitch to be cited.
Shred event is scheduled for September 5th from 9:00-12:00 at the Borough Building. This event is free to all Wyoming Borough residents.
Diane Smiles Robert Borzell Joseph Scaltz
Motion was made to approve the Health and Life insurance benefits for the new non uniform hire for the 90-day probationary period.
Starting rate: $16.00 after 30 performance review increases .50 to $16.50
Health Insurance/Dental new hire will pay $50.00 per pay period to Insurance Benefit (1,200.00). Based on 2020 rates. Subject to change with renewal rate change.
Probationary Period of 60 days before Health Benefits begin.
Employee will receive Life Insurance benefits after 60-day Probationary period.
Paid Time off will start after one year of service, beginning January 2021.
Motion made by: Joseph Scaltz
Seconded by Robert Borzell
Motion moved
Report: New employee handbook to be reviewed by Council and Solicitor. Council will revisit at September’s meeting.
Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
Diane Smiles Russell Herron Robert Borzell
Motion made needed advertise the amendment of the Proposed Ordinance for Peddling and Soliciting Title 8 Pa. C.S. A. §3301.2
Motion made by: Robert Borzell
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved
Motion made to enter in an updated lease with the Greater Wyoming Area Little League for the property known as the “Back Lot” located at the end of Colonial Drive. They will need provide the Borough with a current insurance policy.
Motion made by: Russell Herron
Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz
Motion moved
Community Yard Sale will be held on August 22nd from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm and the fee will be waived for all Wyoming Borough residents. To register, residents can email Carol Burczyk at (2837shady.bug91@gmail.com). All participants will be given literature about practicing safety measures, masks and distancing.
Streets and Sewers: Public Works
Russell Herron Joseph Scaltz Robert Borzell
Motion made to approve a handicap sign for 40 Fifth St. due to the resident’s medical condition. Resident will cover the cost of the sign. Email was sent in from her landlord with his approval. Jim Tregan approved the location.
Motion made by: Russell Herron
Seconded by: John Lipski
Motion moved
Report: No report
Zoning and Planning:
John Lipski Russell Herron Robert Borzell
Zoning committee will meet to start working on a Zoning Manual for Wyoming Borough.
Solicitor’s Report:
Attorney Dennis reviewed the proposed amendment to the Dumpster, Peddling, and Solicitation ordinances. She thanked Chief Mercavitch and Mayor Dominick for their help with gathering the information for the Opioid Litigation.
Attorney Dennis informed the Council that the new name of the Little League is now, Greater Wyoming Area Little League.
Mayor’s Report
- The Police Department responded to 192 incidents in the month of July 2020.
Floor opens to the public
Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by John Lipski
and seconded by Russell Herron.
Motion moved
Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment for August have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Russell Herron and seconded by Robert Borzell.
Motion moved
Unfinished Business: Employee Handbook
Motion to adjourn: John Lipski
Seconded by Robert Borzell
Time: 8:00
Date: August 10, 2020