October 7, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes




     October 7, 2019


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Mr. Stephen Nalewajko P             Mayor Joseph Dominick

Mr. Frank Yurek                       Attorney Lars Anderson P

Mr. Michael Baloga P                                                   

Mr. John Lipski       P                                                                      

Mrs. Diane Smiles P                                   

Mr. Joseph Scaltz P                       

                                    Citizens:   33     Press   No


Approval of minutes:  The minutes of the September 2019 meeting are available for review at the borough office.  The minutes are approved on a motion made by Michael Baloga and seconded by Diane Smiles.

Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of September 2019 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.


Administration:  Finance and Grants


Joseph Scaltz           John Lipski        Frank Yurek

 Motion made to accept Selenski Insurance Agency proposal as Wyoming Borough’s commercial insurance broker for 2020 at a cost of $32,003.00.

Motion made by:   Michael Baloga

Seconded by: John Lipski

Motion moved

No motion was made to accept Assured Partner’s proposal due to the cost

 $38,109.00, being so much higher.

  Motion made to accept M&T Banks proposal for the Taxable General Obligation Note for $125,000.00 at the rate of 4.05% to be able to pay Tan loan by the end of the year as required by law.

Motion made by: Joseph Scaltz

Seconded by: Diane Smiles

Motion moved


On September 17th, 2019 the Commonwealth Financing Authority approved the request from Wyoming Borough to rededicate the $500,000,00 LSA Sewer Grant to use for street paving.

Prociak Associates LLC will be starting the Wyoming Borough 2018 audit which will be completed by the end of this year.

Emergency Service:  Police and Fire Departments


Diane Smiles          John Lipski           Joseph Scaltz


 Andrew Jones has requested to be removed from the Workers Compensation for Wyoming Borough Police Department due to the lack of availability to fulfill his shifts. Andrew also presented his resignation for the Wyoming Hose Co Fire Chief, recommending Tom Skilonger Jr. as his replacement.

Motion was made to appoint Tom Skilonger Jr as Hose Co #1 Fire Chief.

Motion made by: Michael Baloga

Seconded by: Joseph Scaltz

Motion moved

Motion made to hire Joseph Demark for part time officer for Wyoming Borough to replace Andrew Jones.

Motion made by: Michael Baloga

Seconded by:  Diane Smiles

Motion moved

Health and Sanitation:  Recycling and Solid Waste


Frank Yurek              Michael Baloga           Diane Smiles


TwoSanitation bids were received for 2020. Waste Management and J.P. Mascaro & Sons. Wyoming Borough council will review both bids and decide by the next council meeting which company to use for 2020.



John Lipski             Diane Smiles            Joseph Scaltz

Report: No report

Public Property:  Borough Building and Recreation


Frank Yurek           Diane Smiles          John Lipski

Motion made to cancel or change the location of the planned Trunk or Treat that was scheduled for Pettebone Park.

Motion made by: Michael Baloga

Seconded by: Frank Yurek

Vote was taken

2 No-Mr. Nalewajko, Mr. Lipski

4 Yes-Mr. Yurek, Mr. Baloga, Ms. Smiles, Mr. Scaltz

Motion moved

Report: no report

The Recreation Board sponsored an Adult Night Out at Sabatini’s Bar & Bottle Shop on October 3th, Cost of the tickets were $25.00 per person. The event was a success with a profit of $1,458.34 to the Recreation Board. The Recreation Board is very grateful for the many donations, and to the residents and business’ who participated in this event.

The Recreation Board will host a Trunk o Treat on Saturday October 26th.

The Recreation Board is also planning a Christmas party for the local children in December.

Streets and Sewers: Public Works


Frank Yurek               Joseph Scaltz              Diane Smiles

Report:  No report

 No report

Zoning and Planning:


Michael Baloga          Frank Yurek          John Lipski

Report: No report

Solicitor’s Report-

 Attorney Anderson asked the PA Economy League to come to the Borough meeting to help residents understand why the Borough will need to borrow $125,000.00 to make it till the end of the fiscal year.

 Options discussed were the budget for 2020 and the high cost of Sanitation for 2020 and the best way to meet those costs, possibly by including it into the tax millage. The Council will go over this information and decide how to move forward.

Mayor’s Report

The Police Department responded to 212 incidents in the month of September 2019.

 Mayor Dominick discussed Wyoming Borough entering into Opioid Litigation with the neighboring municipalities. Attorney Anderson will send a proposal to other local communities and look into the matter.

 Mayor Dominick also stated he attended a meeting in West Pittston and they are considering getting out of the crossing guard business due to the high expense, and suggested Wyoming Council look into this as a cost savings to the Borough.

Floor opens to the public

Speakers were: Michele Foglietta, Ellen Maher, Tom Skilonger, Christa Coolbaugh, Janet E Harris

1.Michele Foglietta- She brought a petition to” ban/prohibit all non-public and/or organized recreational events from Monockonock Park”, stating that is the correct name of the park. The petition was signed by 46 residents and a few of those residents from the block of Pettebone Park attended the meeting to prevent the Recreation Board from holding the Trunk or Treat in the park, and asked to have it voted on at this meeting. She showed a copy of the deed she researched to Atty. Anderson under protest. After Attorney Anderson quickly looked over the document, he advised the Board they could still hold the event in Pettebone Park, but the council voted to either change the location or cancel the event.

2.Ellen Maher-she also stated she did not want this event held in the park

3.Tom Skilonger-gave the report for Hose Co #1

4. Christa Coolbaugh-decided not to speak

5.Janet E Harris- stated she did not want the event held in the park

Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Michael Baloga and seconded by Diane Smiles.

Motion moved

Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by John Lipski and seconded by Joseph Scaltz.

Motion moved

Unfinished Business:

Wyoming Borough will need to go review the bid from JP Mascaro & Sons and Waste Management for the 2020

Motion to adjourn: Michael Baloga

Seconded by:  Joseph Scaltz

Time:  8:30

Date:   October 7, 2019

Minutes recorded by Wyoming Borough Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Sabol

October 7, 2019