February 14, 2022 Meeting Agenda




February 14, 2022

7:30 p.m.

The Meeting will be closed to the public due to the rise in covid cases

View the meeting live on Wyoming Borough YouTube Channel


                                                     Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Mr. Michael Baloga                                               Mayor Joseph Dominick   

Mr. Joseph Scaltz                                                Attorney Laura Dennis   

Mr. John Lipski                                           

Mr. Robert Borzell                                     

Mr. Russell Herron                                   

Mr. Thomas Skilonger                              

           Citizens: ­­­____                                                      Press: ____

Approval of minutes:  The minutes of the January 2022 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by __________ and seconded by ___________

Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of January 2022 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.


Administration:  Finance and Grants


Joseph Scaltz             Russell Herron                  John Lipski

Motion will be made to accept bids received and opened in the PennBID system on February 10, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. for CDBG Grant for the ADA Ramp Project. (See attached Bidder’s List and Bid summary)

Motion will be made to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder.

Motion will be made to pass the Resolution for the LSA Grant Request of $174,314.96 for the purchase of a backhoe.


The Borough Clerk, Kelsie Snyder has started the process of attaining a notary license. She has finished the 3- hour required course and application has been submitted.

Emergency Service:  Police and Fire Departments


Joseph Scaltz          John Lipski           Robert Borzell

Motion will be made to increase part time police hourly rate to $17.50 per hour and to pay the part time officers retroactive from January 1, 2022. (This was a budgeted item for 2022)

Motion will be made to transfer $2400.00 to the Wyoming Area Police Regionalization Bank account to fund start-up expenses.

Motion will be made to authorize Solicitor draft an amendment to the Ordinance of the Police Pension Fund to reflect the required percentage to be based on the Collective Bargaining Agreement

Motion will be made to advertise an Amendment to the Ordinance establishing the Police Pension Fund. 


Health and Sanitation:  Recycling and Solid Waste


Russell Herron            Robert Borzell           Thomas Skilonger




John Lipski                   Russell Herron             Robert Borzell


Public Property:  Borough Building and Recreation


Thomas Skilonger        Robert Borzell             John Lipski


Streets and Sewers: Public Works


Robert Borzell            Russell Herron            Joseph Scaltz

Motion will be made to approve Handicap Parking space for Joe Serino. Location 101 Monument Avenue. Mr. Serino will pay the cost for the handicap sign.


Zoning and Planning:


John Lipski                Robert Borzell           Thomas Skilonger

Motion will be made to adopt Ordinance 2-2022. An Ordinance of the Borough of Wyoming, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, to establish regulations and violations related to the Zoning Planning and Procedures.

Motion will be made to advertise for interested parties to submit letters of interest, along with references and qualifications, for the Wyoming Borough Zoning Hearing Board prior to the March 14, 2022 regularly scheduled Council meeting. 


Solicitor’s Report:

Motion will be made to Advertise the Amendment to the Peddling and Soliciting Ordinance for review at the March 14, 2022 regularly scheduled Council meeting. 

Motion will be made to authorize the Solicitor to create a handicapped parking ordinance.


Mayors Report:   The Police Department responded to ____ incidents in the month of January 2022.



Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by ________________and seconded by _______________.

Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment for February have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by _____________and seconded by ________________.

Resolutions and Motions

Motion to accept bids received and opened in the PennBID system on February 10, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. for CDBG Grant for the ADA Ramp Project. (See attached Bidder’s List and Bid summary)

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Motion to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder.

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Motion to pass the Resolution for the LSA Grant Request of $174,314.96 for the purchase of a backhoe.

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Motion will be made to increase part time police hourly rate to $17.50 per hour and to pay the part time officers retroactive from January 1, 2022. (This was a budgeted item for 2022)

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Motion to approve Handicap Parking space for Joe Serino. Location 101 Monument Avenue. Mr. Serino will pay the cost for the handicap sign.

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Motion to adopt Ordinance 2-2022. An Ordinance of the Borough of   Wyoming, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, to establish regulations and violations related to the Zoning Planning and Procedures

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

 Motion to advertise for interested parties to submit letters of interest, along with references and qualifications, for the Wyoming Borough Zoning Hearing Board prior to the March 14, 2022 regularly scheduled Council meeting. 

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Motion to advertise the Amendment to the Peddling and Soliciting Ordinance for review at the March 14, 2022 regularly scheduled Council meeting. 

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Motion to authorize the Solicitor to create a handicapped parking ordinance.

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Motion to transfer $2400.00 to the Wyoming Area Police Regionalization Bank account to fund start-up expenses.  

 Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

 Motion to authorize Solicitor draft an amendment to the Ordinance of the Police Pension Fund to reflect the required percentage to be based on the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Motion to advertise an Amendment to the Ordinance establishing the Police Pension Fund. 

Motion made by: ________________________

Seconded by: ___________________________

Unfinished Business:

Handicapped Parking – Establish Ordinance

Motion to adjourn:

Seconded by



