🚌🏫Slow Down for School Buses🚌🏫

🚌🏫Slow Down for School Buses🚌🏫
Wyoming area students will be returning to class August 26, and that means we will be seeing school buses back on our roads. Motorists, parents and children are encouraged to refresh their memories about how to share the road safely.

Pennsylvania law requires motorists to stop at least 10 feet away from school buses when their red lights are flashing and their stop arm is activated. This applies to motorists when they are behind or traveling alongside a school bus, as well as when meeting the bus or approaching an intersection where a bus has stopped.

Vehicles should remain stopped until the red lights have stopped flashing and the stop arm is withdrawn. Do not proceed until all the children have reached a place of safety.

If physical barriers such as grassy medians, guide rails or concrete median barriers separate oncoming traffic from the bus, motorists in the opposing lanes may proceed without stopping.

Penalties for failure to obey school bus safety laws can result in a $250 fine, five points on a driving record and a 60-day license suspension. Violators will also be assessed a $35 surcharge to be deposited into the School Bus Safety Grant Program Account.

Parents are reminded to ensure their children are at the bus stop early to avoid rushing. Students should stay where the bus driver can see them while boarding or exiting the bus.

For more safety information: https://www.dmv.pa.gov/Driver-Services/School-Bus-Drivers/Pages/School%20Bus%20Safety.aspx?utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.dmv.pa.gov%2fDriver-Services%2fSchool-Bus-Drivers%2fPages%2fSchool%2520Bus%2520Safety.aspx&utm_campaign=Keeping+Kids+Safe+in+School+