September 13, 2021
7:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting will stream live on YouTube due to rising covid cases
YouTube Link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVeqag1cri2ymowT4Y8PlTQ
Meeting closed to the public due to covid
Roll Call:
Mr. Michael Baloga P Mayor Joseph Dominick P
Mr. Joseph Scaltz P Attorney Laura Dennis P
Mr. John Lipski A
Mr. Robert Borzell P
Mr. Russell Herron P
Mrs. Diane Smiles P
Citizens: __0__ Press: __0__
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the August 2021 meeting are available for review at the borough office. The minutes are approved on a motion made by Mr. Borzell and seconded by Mrs. Smiles.
Motion Moved
Officers Reports: Reports of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Code Enforcement Officer for the month of August 2021 have been submitted and placed on file for public inspection.
Administration: Finance and Grants
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Diane Smiles
Request for Proposals for All Borough Insurance and Health Insurance will be opened and reviewed by council.
The following companies submitted Request for Proposals:
Borough Insurance
Vehicle, Public Official, Police Professional, Comp
September 7, 2021 | Kilmer Group | Caleb | 10:15 a.m. RC |
September 13, 2021 | WSA Insurance | Timothy Schantz | 1:30 p.m. RC |
September 13, 2021 | Selenski Insurance | Leonard Selenski | 1:34 p.m. RC |
Borough Employee Health Insurance
Health, Vision, Dental
September 13, 2021 | Liz Shaefer | 10:07 a.m. | Fed Ex – RC |
September 13, 2021 | David Harrison Blue Print | 10:14 a.m. | Hand Delivered RC |
September 13, 2021 | One Source T Polinski | 12:03 p.m. | Hand Delivered RC |
Motion made by: Mr. Borzell
Seconded by: Mr. Herron
Motion Moved
Motion made to approve Reilly & Associates to apply for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) on behalf of the Wyoming Borough
Motion made by: Mr. Scaltz
Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles
Motion Moved
(Under this competitive solicitation, federal funds are being made available to support law enforcement accreditation, policy development, training, technologies to support transparency and information sharing between law enforcement and communities, and innovative strategies to combat crime.)
Motion made to apply for an LSA Grant for start-up costs on Behalf of the Wyoming Area Regional Police Force.
Motion made by: Mr. Herron
Seconded by: Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved
Emergency Service: Police and Fire Departments
Joseph Scaltz John Lipski Robert Borzell
Report: No Report
Health and Sanitation: Recycling and Solid Waste
Robert Borzell John Lipski Russell Herron
Motion made to advertise for Request for Proposal for Refuse and Recycling Collection and Disposal Services
Motion made by: Mr. Borzell
Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles
Motion Moved
Report: Mr. Borzell added that the yard waste wasn’t picked up on Saturday. They picked up on Monday.
Solicitor: She was contacted by a Wyoming resident whose car was accidentally hit by a J. P. Mascaro truck. She reached out to J.P. Mascaro and handled the reported incident.
Diane Smiles Robert Borzell Joseph Scaltz
Lori Michaels resigned from her Crossing Guard position on September 6, 2021.
2 positions for Crossing Guards will be filled and 2 positions for Alternate Crossing Guards to fill in as needed.
Employment applications received for Crossing Guard positions:
Gertrude Miller, Elizabeth Shaw, Catherine Tomaselli, Julius Zuckerwar.
Motion made to hire 2 people for open Crossing Guard positions at an hourly rate of $10.00.
Motion made by: Mrs. Herron
Seconded by: Mrs. Smiles
Motion Moved
Motion made to hire Gertrude Miller and Catherine Tomaselli as crossing guards.
Hourly rate of $10.00.
Motion made by: Mr. Borzell
Seconded by: Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved
Motion will be made to hire Alternate Crossing Guards to fill in as needed, with an hourly rate of $10.00.
Motion was tabled (Clearances not received by all applicants)
Motion made by: Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by: Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved
Public Property: Borough Building and Recreation
Diane Smiles Russell Herron Robert Borzell
Report: Free Movie Night in the Park was a success.
The Recreation Board is in the process of planning a Variety Prize BINGO fundraiser to support the upcoming events for the community. Tentative dates for BINGO fundraiser November 14th or 15th. Looking for Volunteers for this event. All community events are supported by donations from local businesses and residents. We will be sending out letters of support for prize donations.
Streets and Sewers: Public Works
Russell Herron Joseph Scaltz Robert Borzell
Report: No report
Zoning and Planning:
John Lipski Russell Herron Robert Borzell
Report: No report
Solicitor’s Report:
Forty Fort Airport update: A letter was drafted and sent to the Airport Manager; she will be supplying the borough with their recent FAA Inspection stating they are in compliance.
Zoning Planning Commission: A new book was prepared and mailed to the county. The Zoning Commission will hold an October public meeting where the public is invited to make recommendations. The next step will be for council to approve.
Waiting for Hose Company #1 to sign and return the lease for 133 East Eight Street, where the future Hose Company building will be built.
Handicap Applications were mailed to residents that currently have a handicap spot in front of their homes. Residents were asked to fill out an application and send back to the borough.
Motion to authorize Solicitor to meet with Wyoming Area School District regarding the hiring and insurance coverage for crossing guards within the Borough.
Motion made by: Mr. Herron
Seconded by: Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved
Mayors Report: The Police Department responded to 177 incidents in the month of August 2021.
The ENRADD system is up and running. Several tickets have been issued.
A fine was issued to J. P. Mascaro for leaving water waste on the roadways
Asked Council to approve donations he wants to make with his Mayor Salary of $2,500.00
He wants to donate a “Welcome to Wyoming “sign placed on 8th Street from the bridge into Wyoming.
Would also like to donate $500.00 to the Recreation Board.
Motion was made to authorize the sign design “Welcome to Wyoming” and placement of the sign on 8th Street by the bridge. Donated by Mayor Dominick using a portion of his mayor salary.
Motion made by: Mr. Borzell
Seconded by: Mr. Herron
Motion Moved
Motion was made to authorize the mayor’s $500.00 donation from his salary to the Recreation Board.
Motion made by: Mrs. Smiles
Seconded by: Mr. Scaltz
Motion Moved.
Will present a plaque to Tammy Jones in honor of her son, Andrew Jones.
(Postponed due to meeting was closed to the public)
Communications: A list of communications received since the last meeting have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Borzell and seconded by Mr. Scaltz.
Motion Moved
Payment of Bills: A listing of bills paid and received for payment for September have been presented to council and accepted on a motion made by Mr. Herron and seconded by Mrs. Smiles.
Motion Moved
Unfinished Business:
Motion to adjourn: Mr. Borzell
Seconded by: Mr. Herron
Time: 8:16 p.m.
Date: September 13, 2021